"JUST GO!" Abby was holding on to whatever she could find, trying to breathe through the pain as they made their way to the hospital.

"Uh...so did you think of a name if it's a boy?" Nick was trying to keep her concentrated on something else, other than the pain.

"Nathan..." She breathed in. "No...Andrew, so we can call him Andy."

Nick looked over at her and laughed. "Andy?"

"Shut up and drive CARTER!"

Within minutes they were parked and making their way to the maternity ward. Quickly they sat her in a wheelchair and before Nick could even react, they had wheeled her down the hall. He stood there confused and wondering what he should do next.


Two whole hours had passed and Abby showed no signs of having a baby. She was in and out of sleep and the pains were at a steady pace. Her mom and Annie had managed to make it to the hospital on time and were now seated on the sofa by her bed. Nick was out getting his fourth cup of coffee. Everyone that was pretty much important to her was or had been in the room. Even her dad had stopped by to check up on her and make sure that everything was fine. Things weren't great between them, but Abby was happy to see her dad.

She had turned to the side and was facing the window with her back to the door. There was a soft knock and she noticed the surprised look on Annie's face.

"You have company." She said getting up and wheeling her mother towards the door.

"We are going to find Nick." She gave the person at the door a quick smile and walked out of the room.

Abby was just as startled when she saw Tiffany standing at the door with a big gift basket with a yellow balloon attached to it.

"Tiffany!" Abby felt her face flush with embarrassment, the two hadn't spoken since the dinner and Nick's outburst.

She looked down at the floor and smiled. "Hi. I hope that you don't mind me coming. I can always leave if it makes you—" She sat the basket down on the couch.

"No, not at all. Um...I'm glad to see you. One second..." Abby closed her eyes and bit down on her lip as she felt the pain sweep threw her abdomen and every other area of her lower body.

"That looks uncomfortable."

Her grip eased on the bars and her eyes opened carefully. "You have no idea."

"I'm sorry for taking this long to come around. I live in New York now, with Kevin." She giggled.

"Don't tell Annie!" The two women laughed. "I'm so sorry too Tiffany. I swear it was never my intention to ruin your plans or to hurt you in anyway."

"I know. Believe it or not I know you, Abby. It took me a while to convince myself that you would never purposely hurt me, but I know you. If anything, I'm sorry for putting you in that position. No wonder he didn't want to marry me." She laughed at her own joke. "I'm happy though. I'm happy for you and Nick."

"Thank you."

Silence filled the room for a second.

"Well, I've got to go and catch my plane." Tiffany awkwardly made her way towards Abby and bent down to give her a quick squeeze. "Take care of yourself and your little family." She turned to leave.


Tiffany turned around, "Yeah."

"I hope that you still see me as your sister?"

She smiled at Abby. "Of course, I hope you do too." With that said she walked out of the room.


Nick rushed into the room and took his place next to Abby. She was in an awkward position with her legs towards her chest. He cringed as he looked at her face, knowing she was in some sort of pain.

"Is she supposed to be all bent up like that? Abby, are you ok?"

"NO! I'm trying....to push...a baby out of my---aaaaaaaaaaaah!"

"Right! I'm sorry, that was a stupid question." He took her hand in his and instantly knew that was a big mistake. She squeezed down to where he let out a yelp of pain. "Alright baby it's not the hands fault." He pried his hand from her grip and decided to take a hold of one of her knees.

"Alright, Abby I'm going to need you to push, because the baby is crowning." The doctor spoke softly. "Here we go..."

"Wait, what is crowning?" Nick peaked over Abby's leg and felt the room spin. "Oh crap! Oh man! Oh shit!" He was startled at what he was seeing, but he couldn't tear his eyes away.


"Alright push Abigail..." The doctor indicated.

Abby pushed as hard as she could. Never had she imagined that giving birth was so complicated and painful. There was pain all over her body, but her southern regions felt like they were on fire.

Nick watched in awe as his baby's head popped out. He was intrigued and totally nauseous all at once, watching where his baby was coming from and how its head seemed to just be stuck there looking towards the floor.

"Is she out yet?" Abby questioned in a breath.

"No baby, but she's coming."

"Just give me one good push Abby and you will have your baby." The doctor waited for Abby's push.

Nick took Abby's hand once again and gave it a squeeze. "Come on Abby. I know you can do this."

She didn't say anything and just gave Nick a smile. There was something about the way he looked at her with his curious blue eyes that made her feel stronger. They were going to be ok, there would be rough patches along the way, but everyone had those. She was ready to have this baby and complete her happiness.

Abby sucked in a deep breath and put all her strength into pushing.

There was a high pitch shrill and Nick smiled as he watched the doctor hold up their baby. "It's a girl!" She announced handing her over.

Nick checked on Abby who was half conscious. "Elizabeth it is." He kissed her forehead. "You did great! That was incredible...we are parents." He encouraged her, "I do think I'm going to be sick!"

Abby giggled.

The nurse handed over the small bundle that was covered in a pink blanket and pink beanie over to Nick. He held the tiny bundle in his arms and smiled as Elizabeth's tiny blue eyes blinked up at him. He smiled looking up at Abby and then back down at his baby girl.

"She's gorgeous!" He mumbled in a daze. Abby had stolen his heart with just one kiss.

Never did he imagine it would take Elizabeth...just one look.

                                                                   The End

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