Chapter 2: Respect.

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The next day comes and you get there an hour early to check out the huge building a little more. James told you there was some café near the entrance inside the building so that was the first place you were going. You head inside the huge building wearing your uniform so the others allow you in without a pass or anything then look around. 'Where is the place?' You frown a bit until you see it. The place was called the Faz-Pad. It looks pretty cozy so it might be a new everyday place for you to chill before work.

You enter the Faz-Pad's entrance from the upstairs area and look around. The place wasn't really crowded and there weren't many kids. It was a little relaxing area for adults from what it looks like. After ordering a little coffee and a breakfast sandwich, you take a seat and wait for it. You look to your left where there was a huge window and see a whole bunch of people walking around. This place seems very busy. Is that really gonna be everyday? Luckily it's closed on Saturdays and Sundays. You look at the menu. It was a surprise they still had breakfast meals out. Was is like a brunch kind of thing? Whatever it was, you were glad they had it. Having to wake up near this hour means no place is selling breakfast and since the Faz-Pad is literally in the building where you work, you can relax and get to your job very easily. 'Lucky me.' You smile a little and hear your name be called so you look to your right and see one of the workers with your bag of food and the small coffee. You get up, walk over, and take it. "Thank you." You sit back down in your seat and spend the rest of your free time relaxing.

When 1:40 hits, you get up and head towards Monty's Golf area after you throw away your trash. Dodging all the people, you manage to get there at around 1:55 and see a guard at the elevator. He looks about 5'10 with short dark brown curly hair and light blue eyes. He was a little chubby and has light skin. Honestly, he looks like a sweet guy. He notices you stare causing him to smile. "Hey." "Hello." You walk over and he fixes his square glasses then reads your nametag. "Y/n, huh? New girl?" "Yep." "Well, nice to meet'cha! I would have stayed a little more late to meet you yesterday, but there was family business I had to attend." He chuckles and you nod. "I understand. I'd put my family before anyone too." "Well, as much as I'd love to keep talking, you gotta get to work." Kova checks his watch. "It's 2 and that's when work starts. I'll tell them you're already here so they don't think you're late." "Thanks." You head into the elevator.

Once it opened, you were greeted by Jim. "You're a teeny bit late today, ya know. Or were you just chattin' with Kova?" "Chatting." "Ah, makes sense." Jim nods. "Kova's pretty popular with the ladies. People love his chubby cute face. I think Monty's got a little competition." Jim smirks. "But between me and you, I think Kova's the winner. Don't let his innocence fool you because that man's a major flirt. Monty, on the other hand.... He's horrible at flirting." "I don't really care..." You mumble and Jim nods. "Already got a man?" "No." "Hm... Lesbian? Don't worry, I don't judge." "No." "Ah, just single." Jim nods. "Me too, me too. Ain't nothin' wrong with that either. Is it the 'I can't get out of it' single or the 'I want to be' single?" "Hm." You think for a bit then shrug. "More like the 'I'm just taking one step at a time' single. It's not really on my mind, though I don't mind getting into a relationship." "I respect that." Jim nods and Cammie walks over with a frown. "Chitchatin's over, guys. There is work to do." She then leaves and Jim pouts. "We'll talk later, ya?" "Yeah." You smile and head towards your area.

Once again hours pass and you were bored. People would come up and ask questions, you would help the best way you could and if you couldn't then you'd send them to Jim for assistance. Nothing crazy happens until about 6 when someone starts yelling gaining all the guard's attentions. You look down at the bottom floor where you see Monty being yelled at by some man. 'What the hell is going on?' You frown. Monty really seems to be keeping his cool which is a bit of a surprise. He's got quite a short temper after all. Some of the guards walk over and try to calm the man but he wasn't allowing it. You glance at Jim, seeing he was a little nervous. 'Maybe I can help.' You head downstairs. Jim goes to stop you but ends up getting stopped by a lady with a question.

You walk down there and move Cammie to the side since she was now arguing with the customer. "Excuse me." You speak in a calm voice. "Oh, another stupid fucking guard?!" The angry man glares at you. "What, you're gonna say the same thing?" "I'm gonna ask why you're acting this way first." "None ya fuckin' business, how's that?" Without saying anything, you look at Monty for an answer. "I beat him in a game of golf." Monty rolls his eyes as he grumbles 'fuckin' loser' lowly to himself. You look back at the man. "It's just a game, sir." "What do you mean 'just a game'?! These stupid robots are supposed to make their customers feel happy here, aren't they?" "They're not responsible for a sore loser, sir." You reply causing Monty to cover his mouth with his hand as he holds back laughter.

"You bitch! I paid to-" "To play the game, sir." You interrupt. "Not win. Now, I'm gonna tell you this once. Calm down. If you cannot calm down then I will call the police. This is a kid's place." You look around and see kids and adults watching. You then look at the man and keep a calm tone though you glared at him. "This is not a good example you're setting for a child, sir. Keep it up and I will have you thrown out." "Uh, and who the fuck are you? The manager?!" He folds his arms and Cammie steps in. "No, but I am." She pulls out her phone. "And you know what? I think getting you kicked out is a good idea. She's right, you're not setting a good example for kids. Now, if you don't want to be allowed back here then I can happily have that arranged. Otherwise, calm down and have fun." "Tch, whatever..." The guy gets nervous and angrily leaves.

Cammie looks at you and smirks. "You're good, Y/n. Keep that up and maybe I'll make you more than just some guard." She leaves and you sigh to calm yourself. You really wanted to punch the shit out of that guy...

"Thanks." You hear so you look up and see Monty staring at you with his arms folded. "Huh?" You raise a brow and he clears his throat since he was feeling a little awkward from thanking you. "Uh... I was mean to you before." He looks away. "You didn't have to come help." "I mean, I kind of did. It's my job." "I know, but... It kind of felt like you were also just trying to help me out." "Well it really wasn't your fault he lost." You sigh and he nods. "Yeah, so thank you for helping me out." "Well I wasn't the only-" "Shut up and take the compliment!" Monty interrupts with a growl and you roll your eyes. "You're welcome, Montgomery." "Monty's fine, actually." Monty says and you nod.

"Let's properly meet this time." Monty holds out a hand for you to shake. "I'm Montgomery Gator. You are?" "Y/n." You grab his hand and shake it causing him to smirk. "It's a pleasure meeting you, Y/n. I'm glad to have you work for us here." "Glad to be here." You pull your hand away and Monty chuckles. "I like you. I hope I get more time with you in the future. Let's just hope it's not by another guy yelling at us, huh?" "Heh, yeah." You smile gaining a little genuine smile to form on his lips but it disappears as quickly as it came. The male clears his throat once more and awkwardly looks away. "Whelp, I know you've got things to do." He looks back at you. "We'll chat some other time, hm?" "Yeah." You nod. "Alright." Monty turns and leaves awkwardly while you turn and head back up the stairs.

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