"Normal teenage XP"-CIPA

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Tittle: "Normal teenage experiences" - CIPA

Tommyinnt has congenital insensitivity to pain and anhydrosis - Congenital insensitivity to pain and anhydrosis (CIPA) is a very rare and extremely dangerous condition. People with CIPA cannot feel pain [1]. Pain-sensing nerves in these patients are not properly connected in parts of brain that receive the pain messages.

Techno has ADHD and Autism. He wasn't diagnosed with autism untill he was 19. It's only breefly mentioned.

Techno dose not actually have autism and Tommy doesn't actually have CIPA!

Words: 3400
Written: February 8 2023
Corrected: February 16 2023
Upload: March 31 2023

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"Helloo wilba" he said joining the call. "Thomas." Wilbur said in his way of greeting the kid back. "Where here to Tommy" said another. "Dadza and the great amazing Technoblade hello!" He said laughing.

"Hellooo" Technos monotone voice rang thought.

"So we have been talking and we all are all free to meet up and if you want to and are able to, maybe we can do meet up in a few weeks?" Phil randomly spat out.

What a meet up?
I can't meet up Mum won't let me.
Maybe I can convince her I'll be safe and careful.
No what's the point she won't let me out. I am apparently a miracle or something because most people with my condition don't live past 3.
Fuck what if we go it right before my mouthy doctor's appointment so if I get hurt they can figure it out the day after.
Yea! That's should work!

He thought.

"-my? Tommy?" He hasn't answered then and it's been 2 minutes. Even them calling his name wasn't working.

"Huh? Oh yea. I'll ask my mum and dad" he said getting up.

He rushed out his room running downstairs to the living room. "Tommy you know the rules no running you could get hurt!" His mum said.

He didn't want to fight with her so he didn't say a thing about it. "Mum I was wondering something and hear me out before you say no" he said. "What is it?" She asked looking at him seemingly forgetting the show playing in-front of her.

"My friends want to meet up and so I was hoping-" "no it's to dangerous" she said bluntly, trying to shut down the idea as fast as she could to not get his hopes up.

"But mum please here me out! I really want to go" he said. "Fine I'll listen but am not going to change my answer" she says.

"We can do it the day before my mouthy checkups and if I get hurt and don't notice then they will find it right away and I'll be fine" he said. "Ok but what if you catch Covid while out and we don't notice and all the doctors also catch it?" She asked.

"That won't happen! If I do get it, it will take a few days to show and be able to affect anyone plus am more likely to catch it at the hospital then out with my friends! Am vaccinated with almost everything I can, plus I have both doses of the Covid vaccine I'll be fine!" He says.

"No your not going. I don't want my baby dying" she says. "Mum am 17 and barly lived a life. I haven't had fun with friends in person since my was 7. That was 10 years ago. Please mum I just want to have somewhat of a normal teenager experience" he said.

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