Indeed, exams were stressful. Chemistry was a love or hate subject for her, so to speak. 

She was aiming to get to school early to get good seats in the library. Her parents were probably still sleeping in, from a late night party of whatever. Simply said, she couldn't care less about it. 

She half ran her way to school, sighing in bliss once she's reached the cool airs of the library. 

While Lyra was not a study freak like Remi, she knew she had to keep her grades fairly good to not embarrass her parents. Imagine having a daughter who scores badly. (sarcasm? please)

Luckily for her, the library was empty.

Accompanied with stacks of chemistry books, she began her studying.

A few hours passed, before she heard some talking at the counter.

"Has anyone told you you look extra beautiful today?" a very extremely annoying voice, according to Lyra, could be heard all of a sudden.

Well, shit, looks like there's company she thought as she saw the black hair guy stride over to the chemistry section as well, looking perfectly calm as if he didn't just throw the library assistant into shambles earlier.

The long-legged black hair guy (a/n: 90% legs yj yes)  strolled over to her section while whistling, though there was a keep quiet rule, Lyra knew, but she also knew he didn't give a shit about that.

She scoffed. 

There wasn't much of a reason, well, his presence is enough to annoy the hell out of her. But also because he was sitting on the table she was at. They weren't even near each other, but even so. 

The boy turned around to see where the noise was coming from. He raised his eyebrows upon seeing the girl.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing. Just for you to get the hell out of here,"

He chuckled while shaking his head. "No, and why should I?"

Lyra held her head in frustration. "God he's such an asshole," she muttered under her breath, however he heard it.

"An asshole huh? I heard what you just said," he glared, starting to get annoyed.

But, Lyra didn't waver.

"Um yes, and what about it? Hit me with some stupid flirty line shit for all you care because I don't!" she whisper shouted, trying to keep her volume chill.

Daniel smirked. "You and those losers are the few people I don't say flirty things to, wanna guess why? 

He leaned in closer, 

"Because you're not even worth my time,"

Lyra stared up at him, her eyes unwavering but filled with so much anger.

He simply smirked and left the library, and I have absolutely no idea why he was even there in the first place.

God, she was fuming in anger. How she wished she could scream out loud right now. She banged her books on the table, and what was even more shitty was that the bell rang then.

And hell, she didn't get to complete revising most topics.

Fuck you Daniel Carter, she seethed. 


"REMI SOLACE!" a shrill voice could be heard at the bus stop.

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