"Hey, monkey. How was your first day of school?" My dad says, ruffling my hair, as I walk into the kitchen.

"Really, Dad." I say shoving his hand out of my hair. I'm not a child anymore.

"A lot different then I remember for sure. But, it was good. Made some new friends."

"Not the popular kids?"


"Or the nerds?"


"Cool tell me about them. First what are their names?"

"Well there is this girl. Her name is Michelle."

"Nice." dad replies while he drinks his coffee.

".... and this guy named Ned."


"Oh and this one other kid...... Peter Parker."

My dad practically spits out his coffee when I say his name.

"Sound familiar to you?" I say with pure innocence.

"Nope. Never heard of him."

"Huh, well that's funny, because, I could have sworn, Happy told me he had a Stark internship with you."

"Oh well did he now. I can't keep track anymore. There are just so many of them."

"Oh well, he must be pretty important if this kid, had to be driven home by Happy, personally."

My dad tries to change the subject, "Well sweetheart, just a question, but why are you so interested in this Peter kid?"

My face starts to turn red, it's super obvious. "DAD!"

"What? I said it was a question, did I not?"

"I just met him today."

"Well, is he cute?"

There goes my face, turning as red as Spider-Man's suit "...."

"Well, Y/n?"

I start to walk out of the kitchen... "I'm not playing this game with you." Then I think of something. Two can play at this game. 

I walk backwards and answer my dads question, "Well, you know, dad, in fact, I do think he's cute. Definitely cuter then the kindergartners I saw the last time I've been in school." I then walk out leaving him in his own defeat. Take that!

I head to my room, and on the way talk into my bracelet. You don't want to answer my questions dad, I will find them on my own. 


"Yes, Y/n?"

"Please, scan all files on Peter Parker."

"One second. Files detected."

That was quick.

"Okay, from where exactly?"

"Avengers Tower, under S.H.I.E.L.D."

I twirl a curl from my hair.

"Okay open it."


"Excuse me?"


"What do you mean, classified? What is so important in that file, that I'm not allowed to know?"

"I'm unaware, of that at the moment, Y/n."

"Try to hack it Thursday. Use my secret software: Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream."

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