Ist place im my core

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All the wublins were... what was the word? The thing where they turn to stone because of heat and magma or something. Wubbox took a step forward, and another one. Just as long till he was in front of the statues. All of them perfectly intact, just a little scratch here and there. As his mind got fogged up with thoughts: Could I revive them somehow? What happens if I cut one open? Oh wait I shouldn't do that.  Stop. Could I revive them? Well I brought them to life! So I can? Or not? Why am I still even talking to myself? But can I or not? Thinking as his view became foggy his eyes quickly darted on this one particular thing: Brump! 'LETS GET TO WORK!!!!!' Was screamed while he picked the rock up and ran to his former lab.

Dusty... ewwww, yuck. What he thought to himself. Of course it was dusty, he hadn't been here since like a week. But still, yuck. How can a place even get this dusty that fast? He thought to himself. Wait. He never has touched his core so does that get dusty? Maybe, should try that out later. Huh? Stop did I create this place or was this lab here when I was first here? I should stop asking myself questions... As he looked  around thoughts started overflowing again in his head: why was this place so untouched? Yes he hadn't been here since he finished his Wublins but the meteor was huge, like one of those huuuugeeee ones.
He sat down on his chair (that was strangely nostalgic) and strayed examining the statue. The thing that stood out the most was that the Furcorn heads that would normally stick out were gone, how it would look like when it was asleep. Actually thinking back at all or there positions it looked like all of them were asleep, but grey and colorless.

'I HAVE BEEN SITTING HERE FOR A HOUR TRYING EVERYTHING AND USING ALL MY KNOWLEDGE, IVE GON BACK TO PLANT ISLAND 7 TIMES TO GRAB STUFF AND EVEN VISITED MY FRIEND FROM WATER ISLAND UHHGHHGHHH' was what you would here right now if you were there. Stop. Why did I just scream? Not like anyone would hear me. He thought to himself. That's how he got the nickname "daydreamer" he didn't mind tho , since he certainly was one. And that spread around like wildfire would on plant, and then cold island melted. "Hey Daydreamer!" Would just be a normal thing to hear daily. Am idea? STOP WHAT? I COULDVE TRIED THIS TRILLIONS OF TIMES. WELL IM OUT OF STUFF SO ITS TIME TO GO BACK. And ran back to the balloon for the 8th time.

'I SWEAR IF U DROP THESE' flew through his head. 6 Furcorn eggs and two fwog eggs. That's what he used to make Brump! But instead of eggs DNA. He just collected some other DNA or you could say hair and did some experimenting. What was his idea you may ask? Since DNA didn't work anymore since yea, they all turned to stone eggs were his second option. How would he get the eggs to merge with the rocks?you may ask. The island was zappy, what else was zappy? The fixing room on Plant island were him and rare were fixed when broken. What would happen there? Get water out of their system, recoding and sometimes even new pieces. If they could zap stuff onto me I could zap stuff into the statues right? Kinda doubt it'll work since I'm metal and their rocks, but let's give it a shot anyway shall we? Walking back to his lab to retrieve his Brump.

'LETS DO THIS' was screamed, you could probably even hear it from Magical sanctum. If you looked up there was a podium like podium, well how he described that. And all the way up there are two metal rods that would zap each other every few seconds. But what was the plan?

1- get up
2-wait for that one split second and place Brump and the eggs there
3-Wublin comes back to life

'Run place run wait' he whispered, and that rang through his head. And before he knew it........

All the zapping and noise stopped. A cloud above Brumps head and a strike of lightning. And the next thing he knew. IT WORKED!
'BRUMP!' 'Wubbox?! I'm alive?!' 'NOW YOU ARE!' He could feel those non-existent tears forming in his eyes again, but not of sadness. But joy. ' I have a ton of questions but... why did you wake me up first? I don't hear any of the others' 'simple!' He replied. 'Ur the number 1 in my core'.


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