"What does that have to do with him?" Harry asked stupidly. Hermione rolled her eyes "Since you just saw him controlling the Veritaserum, which contains water, it indicates that he may be an elemental wizard."

Harry nodded, before asking "I guess. But the bigger question is : What should we do with him? And why was he attempting a ritual?"

"That, Harry, is what we to find out, don't we?"


Percy was craning his neck, because honestly there was no one. There was bright light everywhere, before he came upon a door. He pushed it open, and immediately he was greeted with familiar sight.

"Wait, was that a dream?" Percy wondered, because he was back in Camp Half-blood.

But something was strange. It was empty. He sprinted towards the big house expecting to find Chiron, but there was only a single wheelchair, with no Chiron.

Percy started panicking "Guys, where are you? If this is a collective prank Stolls, then I'm warning you!" Then he tripped over a marble.

He picked it up, and started inspecting it. It was really surprising, because it was like a video showing when Chiron was telling a 12 year old him about the Greek World. He blinked, was it a memory tape or something?

"You're correct, mostly."

Percy jumped in fright, before putting his pocket in the right pocket, turning out to be empty.

He was screwed now, because Riptide was nowhere to be found. "Relax Perseus, I am not here to harm you." The mysterious voice said.

"Who are you? And why is Camp Half-blood empty?" Percy asked. The voice replied "You're not in Camp Half-blood. This is your own mindscape, where you store your memories."

"...What?" Percy asked, still confused as ever. A bright light started emanating, but strangely enough, he didn't feel the need to close his eyes.

The light materialized into a single figure. The now revealed man, now said "Let me introduce myself, for I am Ultimate Justice, I am Death."

"Wait what? Thanatos?" Percy asked. He shook his head in denial "No. He are a different entity altogether, and I am the ultimate death. Thanatos represents peaceful death only."

Percy shuddered a little, because the aura the man was giving was overwhelming. The he stepped forward, pointing his single finger towards Percy's head "We have a lot to restore. Since you have led 2 different lives in 2 different universes, it will be a quite difficult task."

And he began the process of beginning the restoration of his memories. Pain erupted from his mind, and he formed his hand into a fist tightly to bear it. Different scenes started playing across his head.

...He slid open the doors of the compartment, almost empty, with a boy with round glasses and pitch black here. He looked to be his age.
"Anyone sitting there?" Percy asked, pointing at the seat opposite to the boy. "Everywhere else is full."

"...Are you really Harry Potter?" Percy blurted out.
Harry nodded.
"Oh – well, I thought it might be one of Fred and George’s jokes," said Percy. "And have you really got – you know …" He pointed at Harry’s forehead.
Harry pulled back his fringe to show the lightning scar. Percy stared.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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