"Well, you did tell us the truth in the end," said Joey, "so I suppose it's alright."

"You meant well," said Duke. "We can let it go this time."

"See?" said Yugi. "Don't worry about it. Just promise you'll be honest with us in the future. Whatever is wrong, we can work through it together."

I smiled slightly. "Okay." I could not decipher Yami's emotions, which was bad news in and off itself.

"Now, what did you mean about that not being the real Marik?"

"You didn't notice there was something different?"

"It was all pretty weird, if you ask me," said Joey. "I couldn't make sense of it."

I took another breath. "Marik never wanted to be Tomb Keeper," I said. "When he was forced to go through the ritual, his anger took physical form. There is now an entity separate from him that's pure evil." I paused. "Is this making sense?"

"Not really," said Tristan.

I looked at Yugi. "It's kind of like what happened with Kaiba. You said you banished a part of him to the Shadow Realm, right? Then Pegasus brought him back, and you dueled him on Duelist Kingdom. It's sort of like that."

Yugi nodded. "I remember that. I think I get what you're saying. This part of Marik has been controlling him?"

"More like influencing him. Odion was able to keep the evil in check, but when he was knocked out, it took control of Marik's body. Marik does care about Odion, deep down. He was worried for him when he fell unconscious. It's his evil side that views him as a threat."

"It sounds like you're still saying we need to take him down," said Joey.

I grimaced. "Yeah."

Mai gazed at Odion with sympathy. "Poor Odion. It's times when you're down that you need friends around the most."

Everyone was silent for a long minute. Then Joey exclaimed, "You guys, I figured it all out! I know how I was able to get to my feet and win the duel! 'Cause you helped me. See, you guys... I had this dream, and it reminded me that my friends were rooting for me all the way. And it was like you were all on the field with me, ya know? And having you there gave me the strength to get back up and win!"

"Wow, that dream's almost as touching as the one where you were making vanilla pudding with that monkey!" Tristan said.

Joey glared at him. "Hey, that was a secret!"

"Whoa, easy, big bro."

I gazed at Odion. Most people looked peaceful when they slept, but he appeared troubled. I wondered what he was dreaming about. He had asked me to save Marik, but I did not know if I was capable of that. What could I do now that his dark side had taken over? Maybe my friends were right and he just needed to be defeated.

"Hey, guys, isn't it time for Kaiba To pick the next two duelists in the finals now?" Tristan said.

"Oh, yeah!" said Yugi.

"What do you say we get a move on, eh, Yugi?"

"Let's go." He paused. "Are you coming, Samia?"

I tore my gaze from Odion to look at him. "Oh, uh, yeah." He smiled at me, and I followed him out of the room. There was nothing I could do for Odion now. I had to focus on the future. We entered the room where the duelists would be chosen. Ishizu and Dark Marik were not there.

"Hey, before we start, I was thinking," said Joey, "since Marik entered this thing with a fake name, shouldn't he be disqualified?"

"Wishful thinking," Kaiba said, "but this contest is about skill and not names."

Lion's Mouth: Part 2 (Yu-Gi-Oh)Where stories live. Discover now