Edith who looked at men’s outward appearance first, was transfixed by him, who showed the joy of ‘Finally, I’m meeting Edith!’ with his pure blue eyes.

Adrian’s face, which was clear enough to project even blood vessels under the skin, showed a hint of anticipation.

He was waiting for an answer.

His pure gaze didn’t fall from Edith’s lips.

She became conscious of Adrian and moistened her lips slightly with her tongue.

“It’s just…. Is it strange if I suddenly thought of you today?”

Indeed it was strange.

Adrian watched her muttered to herself without missing it.

Edith was trying her best to hide her intentions. He shouldn’t find out the big and grand scheme of getting Adrian to meet with Clyde.

The sunlight was shining at once on his face, clearly showing his heartfelt emotions.

“No! It’s not strange. Edith has always been in my mind all the time.”

There was also a sense of familiarity that could be misunderstood.

However, Edith shook her head slightly when the Alphas that had filled the drawing room a little while ago came to mind. The first scene she encountered when she met Adrian, who had been reunited after a few months, evoked a sense of reality so that she could clear her mind from confusion.

Adrian, on the other hand, showed an increasingly active attitude.

The scent of seduction emitted from his hair that swept gently from the forehead to shoulder.

“You don’t have to do anything. No, it’s better if you don’t have a business. Don’t send me a letter beforehand, just come at any time.”

Was the borderline with other people really that much? It was only then that she began to doubt.

“That’s too rude.”

“That’s why I’m telling you now. I’ll talk to the butler so you can come to my house any time.”

Unlimited access to other people’s mansions was not allowed unless they were close friends. This was obviously a great favor.

It wasn’t like Adrian at all.

It was different from rumors that he was kind to everyone but kept what he had to keep.

Edith was troubled. Since she didn’t come to build a friendship, she was at a loss on how to deal with his attitude that went beyond the level of hospitality. She felt a little sorry to reveal her dark intentions.

After talking about many things, she finally saw the opportunity and secretly got lucky.

“You know, I’ve been in the palace lately. I was unexpectedly assigned to the Crown Prince’s palace to serve His Highness Clyde.”

He rejoiced with a refreshing admiration.

“Wow! That’s a good place for Edith. It seems that you could have held a higher position.”

How great did Adrian think of her that he would take it this way?

It was almost impossible for a new servant to serve the Crown Prince himself. Edith’s original position to manage goods was appropriate unless they had a good connection and were specially acquainted.

His atmosphere seemed sincere to be dismissed as a mere pretense. So it bothered her even more.

This time it was her turn to check his status. Edith looked carefully.

I Became The Servant Who Received The Crown Prince's ObsessionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ