"You were running faster than I have ever seen anyone run before, you're eyes were really bright blue. Even your sclera was bright blue. Your skin was almost glowing the same color as your eyes. You were able to throw a guy that was at least twice your size into another man without a single struggle. You didn't even seem to show any emotion when you were beating the hell out of nine or more men while still avoiding blows coming at you from every side of you." She looked more fascinated than scared. I don't know how one person can find my stomach so fascinating. She has yet to take her eyes or fingers off of my abdomen.

"I don't understand, how could I do that with no memory of it?" She finally looked up at my eyes, still not moving her hand, and started to study my eyes now. I was so confused at her actions. She grabbed my shirt by the fist full and yanked me hard down to her level. She started to look very deep into my eyes and got really close to my face. "Okay Rachel, now your starting to make me feel like Jane from Tarzan. Can you please tell me why you are so fascinated by my body parts?" I felt her fingers dance across my abs again and got ready to say something when we heard the door open and Santana's irritated voice boom through the room.

"Berry, If you Don't mind I wou- what the hell is going on in here?!" Rachel snapped her head towards Santana who was now looking at me with the same fascinated look on her face. She looked down to Rachel's finger that was

still moving at the tingling skin that lined my ribs. "What the hell is she doing? Your eyes are.... Wow! Brittany, why are your eyes glowing?" SHE walked up to me and pushed Rachel out of the way to see me closer. Once Rachel moved her hand, I felt the sting worsen until it actually felt like I was being cut with a knife. I screamed and doubled over onto the ground, holding my stomach. I reached up and ripped my shirt off of my body to relieve my pain. I looked up and saw Rachel and Santana kneeling at each side of me. I reached up and grabbed Rachel's hand to place it on my ribs. The tension was relieved slightly, but it still felt like a knife was plunged into my stomach so I pushed it away. "Brittany, what's wrong?" She looked terrified. I wondered if it would work if she touched me.

"TOUCH ME!!!" Santana looked slightly taken back by my words and I grasped her hand, unclenched her fist and placed it upon my ribcage. I automatically felt a rush of cold run from the skin underneath her skin and through my body. I was soon able to calm down as the pain was taken from my body. I looked up at Santana who looked like she had seen a ghost. Her face was pale and her eyes were wide as they bored into my own, as if trying to make sense of what was going on. She moved her hand and was about to remove her hand from my skin when I grabbed her hand. I gasped when I saw how fast my had moved, but I inwardly prayed that she didn't see anything. "Please, keep your hand there." I asked her with pleading eyes. Her expression seemed to soften when she saw the plea that I was sending her.

"Okay, come here." She pulled me to her side and scooted so that our thighs were touching and she wrapped her arms around my torso, interlocking her fingers at my ribcage. "Now, can you guys please tell me what's going on?" I looked at her and looked up at Rachel who looked very sheepish under Santana's gaze.

"That's actually what Rachel and I were talking about when you came in."I said as Santana rolled her eyes at Rachel followed by a deadly glare in her direction.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's all you were doing, 'Talking'" She said with air finger quotes as she rolled her eyes again. "What were you even doing with her, Berry? I thought you had the hots for my girl, Q what happened to that?" I let out a loud snort of a laugh at Santana's words, finding the coincidence hilarious. Rachel glared at me, and then Santana, trying to hide her furious blush with furious rage.

"I know, I said the same thing." I whispered, causing Rachel to blush even more and Santana to smirk devilishly. I turned to Santana to explain. "Rachel wasn't trying to hit on me, she was looking at my stomach because Something was there that isn't there anymore."Santana tilted her head in adorable confusion, urging me to continue. "I was stabbed in a mugging and my cut isn't there anymore." I looked into Santana's eyes, trying to read her expression.

"What do you mean you were STABBED in a mugging?" She yelled, in what sounded like rage. "Why didn't you tell me?!"She sounded really upset.

"I completely forgot about it. I was too focused on trying to get to class on time."I heard Rachel scoff and roll her eyes before throwing a 'yeah right' toward me. I scowled at her and looked back at Santana who looked outraged.

"FORGOT!!!??? How could you just FORGET that you were STABBED in the stomach with a knife?! Surely your job isn't as important to your LIFE!" She was standing to her feet, with her hand pressed against my abdomen, pulling me up with her.

"I was on an adrenaline rush. I had no feeling until Rachel touched me." I pointed in Rachel's direction. "I was injected with some type of chemical concoction that was meant to kill me."Santana looked positively horrified.

"Alright, start from the beginning. I deserve to know everything since I am now involved with this whole situation."

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