"The Shuumei's are a distinguished sect." He began.

"My grandfather was..." Sasaki muttered.

"He died when I was little but I remember him telling me the old man in our garden was real, not to believe what my parents said, or my sister." Sasaki added.

"What?" Miyano glanced at him.

"There was this old man, he liked flowers. He showed me how to plant the pretty red ones." Sasaki muttered.

"Mom said I was just imagining him, but grandpa said he was real if I saw him." He shrugged.

"Grandpa died shortly after that, I was five." Sasaki said.

"Yup, they say it skips a generation most often times." Ashton nodded. "It's not the same in all families, mind you." He offered as they reached the shaded street. Sasaki shivered.

He closed his arms around himself as he looked to the floorboards of the truck. This sent a new kind of fear through him, he could see the road whizzing by. He groaned lifting his head to try to get some fresh air, he felt sick, even though the building was still a mile away.

"You ok kid?" Ashton asked. A horn blared behind them. Ashton glanced in the rearview mirror. He pulled over.

The woman who had been by herself rushed up to Sasaki's window. She took the boy's head in her hands. Sasaki looked startled at first, but then he just began to breath like her. Neither said anything as they stared at each other breathing slow deep breaths in unison. As Sasaki began to relax the woman lowered her hands.

"I don't think he should go any closer. Leave Greg here to look after him." She offered.

"Mandy, the kids been inside before..." Ashton began.

"Yeah, and they want him to stay!" She snarled.

"It's not safe! I won't go any further if you make this kid do it!" She insisted.

"Fine! You tell Greg he is baby sitting!" Ashton growled at her.

"Come on kid." Mandy opened Sasaki's door.

She led him back to her truck. The guy that had been in the passenger side of the first truck got out. He had a bushy beard but looked to be not much older than they were. Miyano watched Mandy talking to him, she then gestured to Sasaki. Greg went to get into the driver side of the truck Mandy had left open. Sasaki sat beside him. Mandy took his place in the other truck, they continued down the road minus one truck.

"Mandy's your sensitive?" Miyano asked.

"Nope, she is a full blown certified psychic." Ashton said.

"She comes from a long line of them, dating back to the late 1300's, or so she claims." He winked with a smirk.

Sometime Miyano wasn't sure if Ashton even believed in the stuff that he was paid to do. Miyano pointed out the building as they reached the end of the road. It looked the same.

"Alright, why don't..." He began.

"Send him back." Mandy said as she walked up to Miyano.

"What? Miyano has done a few jobs with me, kids fine!" Ashton countered.

"They want them. I'm not sure why?" Mandy rubbed at her temple

"Greg needs to just drive them back. We are here now." She groaned as she wrapped an arm around her stomach.

"Many kids our age have disappeared around here." Miyano offered.

"So something in there likes kids, huh?" Ashton growled. He glared at the building. The large man that had driven the truck Mandy rode up to the building in, got out. He glanced at the building.

"There is definitely something evil in there." He made the sign of the cross over himself as he walked up to check on Mandy.

"Father, not you too." The priest looked over at Ashton.

"Ash, these kids have done all they can. We need to send this bitch back to hell before they release it into the world." He stated.

"I get the priest that swears!" Ashton growled.

"Alright, we will start unloading. Have Doug take Miyano back to Greg. Tell him to get these boys out of here." He commanded. The father made sure Mandy was comfortable first then went to the next truck.

He spoke briefly to the two men inside, then came back to Miyano. "Come on, Doug will drive you back down the road." He offered.

"OK." As Miyano went to follow him he felt something grab at his wrist he cried out. The father began to chant in Latin as he brandished a rosary in his hands.

As the beads touched Miyano's wrist, there was a hissing sound, a poof of white smoke rose from the contact, then he was freed. Miyano rushed to the red SUV. He was inside shaking with sweet pouring down his face. Doug held out a handkerchief.

"They really didn't want to let you go." He snorted.

He was probably the oldest person here. His hair was a shiny silver pulled back in a long ponytail, he had kind grey eyes as he reversed to take them to Greg.

"What's going on?" Greg demanded as the other truck pulled up beside his.

"This thing likes kids. Not sure if you are even out of its age range. Boss wants you to get these two outta here." He gestured for Miyano to go over to the other truck.

"Is mom ok?" Greg asked glancing down the road.

"The father is keeping a close eye on her, don't you worry. Now do your job, alrighty?" Doug demanded. Greg nodded.

Miyano got out of the SUV. He walked around the front of the truck toward Sasaki. He glanced up to look at the ginger through the windshield. Sasaki was screaming. Miyano didn't have time to turn around. He heard that weird whooshing wind sound, it was rushing right for him. He felt his body tense up. Before he could do anything more, he was hit by a strong force that slammed him into the front of the truck. He heard Sasaki crying his name. Attempting to answer only hurt Miyano's head more. The last thing he felt was his head hitting the hood, everything went black then, but he heard the screams.

Sasaki and Miyano Haunted loveWhere stories live. Discover now