Another world

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The screams filled his head, it hurt, why wouldn't they stop. Miyano tried to sit up, but it felt like a weight was on top of him. The screaming was so loud here. He opened one eye, then the other. He blinked, once twice, it didn't change... he couldn't see anything. All was dark around him.

He wiggled his finger, toes, as far as he could tell he still had a body. He tried to push himself up again. The weight shifted pressing him down. He let out an oof sound as his chest slammed back into the ground. The screams were getting louder. The train was coming closer. Miyano knew, above anything else, he couldn't get on that train.

What was he able to do? He tried turning his head but that changed nothing. He couldn't see anything around him, couldn't hear anything but the rushing of the train with those scream drawing closer. He wanted to cry! He drew in a deep breath, letting it out he felt slightly better. A soft calmness seemed to spread out over his chest. He did it once more, but the intensity of the screams engulfed him as his breath was forced out of his body by the increased pressure on top of him.

He cried out one name. It was like a release of built up pain in his chest. The soft smile he had grown to associate with him, the way his eyes crinkled when he was happy.

"Sasaki!" Miyano screamed the name until his throat was raw.

The weight trying to press down upon him so he couldn't move or speak. He lay painting after a time.

Suddenly there was a flash of light. Sasaki stood bathed in it. The red glow was angry in the dark, it shimmered around the teen. He held his hand out. Miyano saw his mouth move but he didn't hear any sound coming from the other boy. He appeared so far away. His form shimmered.

Something in Miyano knew this was his only chance. Somehow Sasaki managed to come for him. If he didn't take the chance now, he was going to be forced onto that train. He would never wake in the real world again. The edges of the ginger's form were wavering. He wasn't strong enough to hold himself here long. Miyano had to reach him!

Using all of his strength, his fear, ever bit of his energy he could, Miyano shoved upwards. The weight pressed back, he heard Sasaki cry out his name. That cry gave him the last push he needed. He forced his body up, the weight rolled off of him, he felt it leave his body. Turning his head he saw that Sasaki was growing ever more dim. It was as if the darkness was trying to swallow him.

Miyano shoved his tired, sore body forward. He got his feet under him. Launching himself toward the other boy he screamed his name. Their arms reaching for each other. The light fading quickly around the sensitive, the darkness was winning and Sasaki was too far away. Miyano cried out for him.

"Sasaki!" He screamed it so loud, so hard, that it hurt his entire body. He tried to sit up.

"I'm right here, just relax." The soft voice spoke above him. Miyano tried to turn his head, his neck hurt.

"Lay still, you're ok." The soft grey eyes peeked down at him.

"Miyano!" Ash was kneeling before him.

"Are you ok, anything hurting?" he demanded.

Miyano pushed himself up. His head had been cradled in Sasaki's lap. He took inventory of his body. Moving each limb, wiggling his toes, fingers, even stretching his back. Only one spot hurt. He raised his hand to his neck.

"Just my neck." He informed the group looking at him.

"Get him the hell out of here now!" Mandy demanded.

The priest and the psychic were the only two not looking over the injured boy. Miyano looked up to see the pair standing about five feet apart. Each one had their arms held before them. The priest never stopped his chant while Mandy only paused to give them that one command. To the boy looking at them, it appeared that they were holding the evil from that building at bay.

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