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At one the shop doorbell dinged. An older man in his late twenties, maybe early thirties strolled in. He glanced around the shop. Sasaki had just finished adding a new tray of pastries to the display case, he stood up to see the man flick a toothpick around his lips.

"May I help you?" Sasaki asked. The man's soft dark eyes fell to him. He snorted a little then walked up to the counter.

"I'm looking for Miyano?" he asked. Before Sasaki could say anything the small boy bounded out from the back room.

"Ashton, you made it." Miyano leapt into the man's arms.

The man, Ashton laughed a deep booming sound. He hugged the small form in his meaty arms. Ruffling his hair, he sat Miyano down. They grinned stupidly at each other for a few minutes, then Ashton stepped back. He surveyed the small boy as Miyano tried not to cower in embarrassment.

"I do believe you may have grown since the last time I saw you." He stated rubbing at the slight stubble on his chin. Miyano grinned hugely up at him, it was an eye crinkling smile that blew all thought from Sasaki's head, to see. Ashton winked at the ginger.

"So shall we go to this building?" he asked the small teen.

"Sure thing." Miyano took off his apron, hanging it back on the hook. Sasaki rushed to the back to tell his parents he was heading out, he stayed only long enough for his sister to come up front.

Out on the side street next to the shop was a series of trucks. The lead one was a black cargo type van with antennas poking out of the top two men sat in the front seats talking to each other. Behind them sat a red SUV with another two men sipping coffee, next was a blond woman in a pickup truck she was talking to someone on her cell phone, last in line was a beat up white pickup that had more rust on it than paint, this was the one Ashton walked up to. He popped open the door by sticking his arm through the window.

"I can't believe this thing still runs!" Miyano giggled jumping into the seat.

He slid to the middle leaving room for Sasaki to tentatively enter. Ashton laughed at the skeptical look on the ginger's face. Sasaki attempted to smile back, but it looked more like a grimace.

"She'll hold boy!" Ashton laughed. Sasaki nodded trying to get the seat belt to come out.

"Oh, they don't work." Miyano beamed. Sasaki felt a sinking sensation around his gut.

Ashton started the truck, a huge plume of blue / black smoke engulfed them. Coughing, the wind blew it away, as Ashton reversed to pull in front of the lead van. Their small caravan moved out. Miyano pulled up the address setting his phone so Ashton could see the GPS. They drove out of town.

"How did you hear about this one?" Ashton asked flicking his toothpick around his chapped lips.

"Some kids at school were discussing the demolition that was going to be happening soon, I tuned in to hear them switch to the ghost side of things." Miyano explained.

"I read your detailed account of how things went from what you saw, it was different than what was on the video." Ashton glanced down as they pulled to a stop light.

"Yeah, watching that video back was pretty spooky." Miyano shivered.

"You shouldn't have taken a sensitive in there without proper back up, kid. " Ashton pointed out.

"Huh?" Miyano looked shocked. "I didn't know he was a sensitive!" He cried.

"Ginger didn't tell ya?" Ashton glanced up at Sasaki. The boy swung his eyes out to watch the water going by.

"I don't think he knew." Miyano tried to get Sasaki to look at him.

"Didn't he?" Ashton pressed.

"You didn't think I wouldn't look into him, did you?" he asked as they turned a corner.

Sasaki and Miyano Haunted loveWhere stories live. Discover now