🤍Headcanons- P.1 (Male Characters x Reader)🤍

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Hey! This is my first time doing headcanons, hope they're okay. I finished the Izuku x Reader Angst/Fluff ahead of time and rushed to do this without publishing it. Feel free to leave me requests! Any character listed below in the HC's is fine- not so confident about Lida or Kaminari-kun though, sorry. :( I could still try, though!


Midoriya Izuku

- He's always sweet and kind and patient with you, no matter how tired he is or how stressed he is. Even when you're both arguing about something, he'll never do anything above raising his voice at you.

- He's always the first to apologize after an argument, even if you were the one that started it and were wrong about whatever you were yelling about. After that, he'll gently bring to your attention who was right in the argument, and then try to talk about it without arguing over the subject again.

- He'll bring home a lot of hero merch as gifts to you from all kinds of heroes (including him, of course!).

- He doesn't get jealous easily- when you flirt with someone, he shakes it off as a joke, but all it takes is someone flirting back and he'll try to get you away from the person as soon as possible.

- If someone starts flirting with you he does become uneasy. The only times he intervene are when you start flirting back or when you look uncomfortable with it.

- He's the best with snuggles and cuddles and kisses- however, him being as shy as he is, you're usually the one to initiate them (-if you do at all, I know some people aren't okay with touch). But when you're sad, he'll freely offer his touch to you and try to comfort you some other way if you don't want it.

- PDA (Optional): Kisses on the forehead, pecks on the cheek, holding hands, and hugs.

- Food with him is healthy and yummy- he'll mostly refuse to eat anything with too many calories unless it's a holiday or such. You do the cooking most times because he's a terrible cook (If you don't know how to cook yet, let's just say you learned for the sake of not starving to death), but sometimes he cooks Katsudon (the only thing he's good at making besides soup) or orders takeout.

- He stays up until 10 (at the latest) and he drags you to bed if you're not in it already. This way, you both end up having a healthy sleep schedule.

- Nicknames for you from him are "Angel", "Hun'", occasionally "Sweetie" and "N/N" (Nickname). He doesn't care what you call him, just so long as it isn't offensive.

- When you're sick, he'll be at school for training but will otherwise definitely be there for you. He'll buy you whatever you need (not want) and cuddle with you, despite you warning him about getting sick too. He'll watch a movie or your favorite TV show with you, order Chinese takeout and (gently) force you to take your medicine on time. All in all, he's the definite best caretaker. You can fight me about it.

End of Midoriya Izuku Headcanons


Bakugou Katsuki

-He doesn't get softer with you. In fact, he treats you like he would treat anyone else... Well, that's what he tells himself, anyways. Anybody in a 50 mile radius would be able to tell that his temper tantrum meter goes 70% down and his protective meter 100% up when he's with you.

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