"Hello, boys help them with their bags." Justin said with a smile and guys helped us and showed us to our rooms. I thanked god that I had my old room with Violet.

Nothing seemed to be touched and we unpacked out stuff in silence. When we finished, we looked at eachother and headed downstairs.

"Hello I'm Justin and this is my Beta Kevin. And what are your lovely names?" He smiled and I frowned.

"Well I'm Violet and this is Anna." She said using a nickname for me and I smiled.

"Beautiful names for beautiful girls." Kevin winked and me and Violet laughed that he just said that to his sister without even knowing.

"Okay well when the rest of your guys come down we have some things to descuss." Justin said me and Violet took a seat by eachother.

When the guys came downstairs, they all took their seats and Lucas took a seat by me and Tony took a seat by Violet.

"So tell us about yourself." I said and we already knew the answer to that but I just wanted to hear what they had to say.

"Well, when I was about 10, my parents died and about 3 years ago my sister ran away. She said that she killed herself and I knew she did. Ever since then, I miss her and wish I could see that pretty face of hers again." He said as tears rolled down his face and the guys gave me worried looks.

I stood my ground and knew he was just putting on an act.

"Yah. She was my mate and I really screwed up. My family is all in Brazil to stay with family relatives for god knows how long." Justin said and that is what I didn't know.

"What about you guys?" He asked and Cisco started.

"Well my name is Francisco but you can call me Cisco. My family is back in New York doing their business and I'm an only child." He said and Tony was next.

"My name is Anthoney but you can call me Tony. My family is in England doing research about something and I have 2 other brothers but no sisters." He said the last part quietly and Violet gulped beside me.

I held her hand to know that it was okay to tell them and that I was here right beside her.

'You can just lie if you want. I know I am so I don't blow my cover' I mind linked her and knew the rest of our pack heard so that they wouldn't be confused.

'No it's fine.' She linked back before starting.

"Well my family abanded me at 10 but don't worry, I'm not your sister. Anyway, umm I had no siblings and I have no idea where they are and I really don't care. Anna and the guys are what I consider my family." She said we all made an 'awww' sound causing her to blush, so I decided to get the attention off of her.

"Well you know my name and I have 3 other brothers. They live down in Florida and my parents, well I really don't know where they are and I guess." I said and then Lucas started.

"Well I'm Lucas and I have no siblings. Zack is my cousin and the rest of our families are down in Alaska." He said and he basically spoke for Zack.

"Okay well are you guys hungry?" Justin asked as we all stood up.

"Hell yah!" We all said in unison and we laughed.

"Okay well I will order pizza for us." Said and we all noded.

"Hey Anna can I talk to you alone?" Kevin asked I got nervous but noded and we went upstairs to his room.

"Anna, did you know Annie?" He asked as we sat down.

"No. Why?" I looked in his eyes and I was shocked of what they contained.

They held sadness, pain, guilt, and regret. Something I never would have thought they would ever contain in my life.

"Well I thought you might know. I miss her so much and I really messed up. I just wished I hadn't acted the way I did." He had tears rolling down his face.

"How did you act?" I asked pretending I didn't know, when I knew too well.

"I treated her like was worthless and that he meant nothing to me when she meant the world to me. She was my everything and I wish I could've told her that I never will get the chance to.

Justin said that his wolf can't even find her soul anywhere that his wolf is so broken, that he barely even talks to him. His wolf is just hanging by a thread. I just wish I had time to See her one last time." He was sobing and I conferted him. I wasn't going to tell him anything, nor did I want to.

We heard a knock on the door and Justin came in as Kevin recovered.

"Wrong time?" He asked but we shook our heads.

"We were just getting ready to come down." I said and he opened the door wider. I got up and walked passed him making sure I didn't touch him

I walked back downstairs and they gave me worried looks and I laughed.

"You guys worry to much." I said and sat back down.

"Well cause your our family." Zack said and I got up and gave him a hug.

"Thanks Zacky Waky." I said pinching his cheek and sitting back down laughing.

"Ouch." He said holding his cheek.

"Sorry had to." I put my hands in the defensivly.

"Hey pizza is here!!" Justin said at the door and I forgot that they were down here.

"Yeah-yah!" I shouted and hopped up and went into the kitchen.

"How do you know your way around this place so much?" Kevin asked curious and I took a bite before I answered giving me a couple seconds to think.

"Good scense of direction I guess." I said and my guys and Violet started to stiffle holding in their laughter.

"Whatever." I said and continued to eat my pizza. I had atleast 5 slices of pizza already and wanted more.

"Keep eating and you will get fat." Cisco smirked and I just glared at him.

"Eh." I just shrugged him off and I put my plate in the sink and turned around.

"Well, tomorrow we all have school and we have your schedule." Justin said and we all noded.

I walked upstairs and to the music room where we had a huge stereo, piano, drumset, microsphone and a flute. We have more stuff but I just don't know what they are.

I walked over to the stereo and turned on the stereo. I put on Gunpowder and Lead by Miranda Lambert and wondered what Kevin would do if he heard me.

The Unwanted And Unloved FightersWhere stories live. Discover now