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My eyes shoot open with a gasp as I wake up from my very vivid dream

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My eyes shoot open with a gasp as I wake up from my very vivid dream. Although, it was really a relived memory from the day we met Will Turner eight years ago. I let out a sigh and run my hands over my face in an attempt to calm myself.

I walk over to my dresser and pull out the secret drawer hidden within the armoire. The pirate medallion gleams back at me. I gently run my fingers over it before placing the necklace over my head.

A knock on my door pulls me out of the comforting silence and my maid's voice calls from the other side of the mahogany wood. I shove the medallion into my under garments and rush back to my bed.

"Miss Evelyn? Are you up ma'am?"

"Yes, Katherine! I'm awake." I call back to her.

"Your father would like to see you and your sister, miss." Katherine steps inside to open the curtains and make my bed once I'm out of it. I trudge down the hallway to Elizabeth's room to find my father already inside with a couple of the other house maids.

"It's a beautiful day." He exclaims as he looks out through the large ocean facing windows. "Ah, there you are Evelyn. Come, come. See the gift I have bought for your sister." He waves me over when he notices my presence. Of course he has a gift for his favorite daughter.

My sister's maid brings over a large box to her. Inside is an exquisite dress made from the finest fabric and lace. I flop down on her bed out of sheer boredom.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" Elizabeth gushes when she pulls it out.

"Isn't it?"

"It really is, father." I smile at him even though I could care less.

"May I inquire as to the occasion?" My sister asks suspicious.

"Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter?" He laughs. "Go on." The maids follow Elizabeth behind the changing screen to assist her with putting the gown on.

"Actually, I uh..." Here we go. "I had hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today." My father mumbles.

"The ceremony?" I ask.

"Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony."

"I knew it." Elizabeth accuses as she pokes her head out from behind the screen.

"Commodore Norrington, as he's about to become." My fathers beams like a proud parent. "Fine gentleman, don't you think?" His question is directed towards my sister and I see where this conversation is heading. "He fancies you, you know?" We hear Elizabeth suck in a large breath at his words.

"Lizzy? You ok?" I ask in concern.

"How's it coming?" My father talks over me.

"It's difficult to say." She breathes out.

"I'm told it's the latest fashion in London."

"Well women in London must've learned not to breathe." She struggles to respond to my father.

"My Lord, you have a visitor." One of the servants informs us.

I rush over to my room to get dressed for the day so that I can hurry downstairs to meet our visitor. I have a pretty good guess on who it could be. I throw on a simple, light blue dress and throw my hair into a half up style before racing downstairs.

"Will!" I find Will Turner in the foyer with my father showing him the sword made for Norrington. Will's eyes light up when he sees me barreling down the stairs towards him. I pull him into a tight embrace when I reach him. "I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too, Evie." He laughs.

"Evelyn, control yourself please." My father scolds me. I ignore him as always and open my mouth to tell Will about my dream when something catches his eye.

"Elizabeth." My father follows Will's gaze to my sister who's gliding down the staircase as if she's in a romance movie. Much different than the way I came flying down. "You look absolutely stunning."

"Will." She smiles upon making eye contact with the blacksmith. "It's so good to see you! I had a dream about you last night." She tells him making me look away from Will's lovestruck face towards her.

"About me?" Will questions.

"Is that proper for you..." My father starts but Elizabeth cuts him off.

"About the day we met. Do you remember?" Her words make me freeze. How is it possible that we both dreamt of that day on the same night?

"How could I forget, Miss Swann?"

"Will, how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?"

"At least once more, Miss Swann. As always." If I wasn't so confused I would've teased Will for his stupidity.

"There. See? At least the boy has a sense of propriety." My father interrupts. "Now, we really must be going." Father grabs the sword Will gave him and heads to the carriage with the footmen.

"Good day, Mr. Turner." Elizabeth says sternly before walking towards the carriage outside.

"Yikes. See ya, Willy!" I wave as I run out after them and take a seat across from Elizabeth. "Lizzy, you said had a dream last night about the day we found Will?" I whisper as we make our way through the streets of Port Royal.

"Yes. It seemed so real." She whispers back.

"I had the same dream." Her brows furrow together at my words.

"How odd."

"Do you think it means something?" I ask.

"I-" She's cut off when we pull up to the ceremony. I help her out of the carriage, as I know that corset has to be uncomfortable, and prepare to be painstakingly bored out of my mind for the next hour or two.

Norrington walks down a tunnel of swords, is crowned as Commodore or whatever, and then we proceed to mingle. My least favorite thing to do on this planet is mingle with a bunch of snobs in wigs.

I follow Elizabeth and my father over to the balcony area that over looks the ocean. The Commodore walks over to us and I nudge my sister to alert her of his presence. She's fanning herself and I notice that she doesn't look to be in the best shape.

"May I have a moment?" Norrington asks her and her eyes shoot over to me, silently pleading for me to stay close.

I follow them, trying to be as subtle as I can, over to the edge of the balcony and act like I'm gazing into the ocean. I'm really eavesdropping but I do take notice of the large navy vessels floating in the port. The way the water moves them side to side, up and down gently. I've always been fascinated by the ocean, even though I've never actually been in it.

"You look lovely." Norrington's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "I apologize if I seem forward, but I must speak my mind. This promotion throws into sharp relief that which I have not yet achieved. A marriage to a fine woman." My eyes fly open. "You have become a fine woman, Elizabeth."

"I can't breathe." She gasps and before I can turn around to face her, she collapses into me making me lose my balance and plummet into the water below. The last thing I hear before I hit the ocean is the shout of my sister's name.

The Captain and the Pearl |J.SWhere stories live. Discover now