Chapter 6

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You arrived at the place were they keep Alluka locked up, they were currently in the security room, watching your every move.

The door opened, the bolts and pipes slowly opening, creating loud noises to echo through the tunnel. You felt bad for her, being locked up because you have a power like Nanika. Keeping her away from people is alright but isolating her in a single room all her life is extreme.

You walked into her room as you heard the door close behind you. You glanced at all the stuffed animals and toys, realising it looked exactly like the anime.

You sat crossed legged in front of her, who was staring at you in excitement. She smiled happily,
" You must be Y/n! My parents told me a guest was visiting, "

You chuckle at her cuteness before opening your backpack, you may have gone to the toy shop before coming since you wanted to give her a present. You also have a present for Kalluto but you had forgotten about it until now.

You pulled a a colouring book with a set of different coloured pencils and a hand knitted doll. The doll had black hair tied into two braids and wore a long, white dress.

You smiled back at her,
" I may have gotten you something, I also got something for your brother, Kalluto, but I forgot about it,"

Her eyes sparkled before she hugged the teddy close to her, smiling happily. She thanked you before looking at the colouring book,
" Y/n, colour with me,"

You knew that was an order and you were already planning on doing that. You nodded in response as you let her chose a colouring page before colouring with her. You were colouring a butterfly and she was colouring a teddy bear.

Alluka had never felt this happy before, only when her big brother Killua is around. She had received two presents in a day! This had to be the best day and guest of her life time.

After colouring for half an hour, you both then began to talk and play. You played with each other's hair, you braided hers into two braids like her doll, and she let your hair down from it's messy bun and placed a blue bow in.

Her eyes sparkled in amazement,
" You look like a princess! We should play princesses next time!"

You laughed at her before ruffling some of her hair. You heard Silva saying that time was up, causing you to sigh in disappointment. Alluka whined in a sad tone before knocking you over into a tight hug.

She placed her head on your chest with her arms around your neck, she whispered,
" Please come back tomorrow, it's fun when you're around,"

You felt sympathy for the poor girl but it wasn't certain if you could. You would be training and collecting information for the mission with Illumi. You looked around the place, imagining how lonely she would be.

You whispered back,
" Okay, I'll see you around 2pm, okay?"

You could sense her happiness as she hugged you tighter, her excitement growing stronger by the minute. She stated before pulling away from the hug,
" Nanika is excited for your visit to, she likes you,"

Your eyes widened slightly before giving her a kind smile. You were happy that you managed to befriend two Zoldycks, especially Nanika. You waved at her, watching how she clutches her doll close before you walked out.

You stopped in your tracks when you saw Illumi leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.  He looked at you,
" You're good with kids, why did you give him a present?"

You glanced at the wall then back at his gaze, he didn't sound angry or happy. In fact you couldn't even tell what he was feeling, which made you slightly nervous, but you didn't show it.

You responded,
" I felt bad for her, being locked up and all,"

He hummed in response before turning around, walking the opposite direction,
" Come on, we have a mission to deal with,"

You sighed before following him, he glanced at your hair without you knowing, then glancing at the bow in your hair. He had to admit, you were a beautiful woman, which is why he thought you were going to be useful for his mission.

You followed him into his room to see a large board on his wall. It had pictures of people with string attached to each with a lot of posted notes. It reminded you of a murder mystery.

You then admired the bedroom design since it doesn't show in the anime. He had a king size bed with light grey walls. His bedding was black and had grey cushions neatly placed on for decoration.

You looked back at the board before noticing there was a man in the centre with red tape around him. You pointed at him,
" Is he the target?"

Illumi walked over, humming in response,
" Yes, Hikoshi Yamada, he's a gambler, drug dealer and a thief. He's one of the most wanted people in the city, excluding the phantom troupe,"

You nodded, collecting and taking mental notes in who everyone is and what they do. Illumi gave you a large, red box with a pink ribbon tied on, earning him a confused look.

You placed it on the bed before opening it, to reveal a really nice black dress. It was another nightclub dress and it looked like it will show your body shape in an attractive way.

Before you could ask Illumi spoke, staring at the dress with crossed arms,
" Mother chose this dress for you since you need to capture Hikoshi's attention, "

You nodded, feeling slightly uncomfortable before grabbing the dress. You began to get changed in his bathroom since you wanted your privacy before walking out.

Illumi stared at you for a few moments, glancing down at your body a bit before snapping out of his trance and looked back at the board.

You placed your hair up in a messy bun before placing the wig not on, making sure that no pieces of hair was sticking out. You then grabbed your wig that Illumi brought up for you on, making sure it's even.

Illumi handed you some gloves that matched the oufit,
" You'll need to cover your spider tattoo,"

You thanked him before placing them on, they ended just under your elbows. You then looked at what Illumi was wearing.

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