First chapter

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Kristina Val Loize

"ma'am we are here na" Said my assistant,This is my assistant Everlyn Pornia short for Eve.

"Okay,Pick me up later at 3:30pm,understood?" i ordered "Yes maam" my driver said.

As I go up the elevator may nakasabay akong isang student,I think she's in my class Im not sure.

Matamlay syang nakatayo sa harapan ko at she seems sick. "Why did you go to school when you are sick" I said loudly,nagulat sya sa sinabi ko pati nga din ako ay nagulat na rin since I thought I said that in my mind I didnt expect myself to said that loudly.

"Ah,sorry are you talking to me miss?" she said,Umiling ako because I was nervous and I dont know why.
"Oh sorry,i must have heard things" she said again
"Actually I was talking to you" sambit ko "Do I know you miss?" tanong niya saken "No,but I am a proffesor here and you must be a student,am I right?" tumango nalang sya saaking sinabi,I chuckled.

"You're sick lets go to the clinic" I said,as the elevator door opens I quickly dragged her out and as we were walking to the hallway the bell rings "Miss,really Im okay" She said while walking "You may seem okay but you dont feel okay,you're hot" i said "I know im hot miss" I stopped walking when she said that,how shameless but I like her
as the looks of her she looks lile a korean actress.

Nang makapunta na kami sa clinic ay inutusan ko agad ang nurse na bigyan sya ng gamot "Stay here,What's your name?" I said and asker her.
"Kim,Kim-Yun Hang that's my name" what a wonderful name she has,and as I guessed she is korean.
"Alright you,you stay here and get some rest" I said


Kim-Yun Hang

Gosh what am I thinking,going to school while sick,now look at me I look like a zombie walking around might as well just take an elevator instead of taking the stairs. Shit theres someone coming act cool self,they dont need to know you're sick.

She looks gorgeous with her brown hair and those fearless and addicting eyes and her soft pinkish lips and with her hourglass body,she looks like a model or maybe an actress.

"Im a proffesor here,you look sick" she said
"Why go to school when you're sick you could've got a virus"

She brought me to the clinic,Im quite confuse that she knew im not feeling well,Im impressed.

"You,you stay her and get some rest Im going to my class" she ordered,wow ha who is she to order me Its not like she's my proffesor or something,atleast thats what I thought.
"No,I need to get to my class before my Proffesor gets mad at me." she seems calm "Im your Proffesor,now take some rest and you'll catch up in my quiz tommorow when you get better" so she is my Proffesor,I just nodded and lied down to get some rest,I heard the door closed so I guess she left.


Zirke Eric Rentino

"Excuse me,kid where's the class A here?" I asked a student where that room was so that I can give my wife's lunch since she forgot to bring it this morning
"Ah sir,its this way" she pointed to the left I nodded and continue to walk where my wife's classroom is.

I knocked at the room and the door opened 5 seconds later
I saw her face,shes so beautiful but the thing is she never smiled at me since we got married and since her grandmother died,I know that her grandmother forced her to marry me but still I will give her the love that she truly deserves even though she doesnt love me back.

"Hi dear,heres your lunch" I handed out her lunch with a smile but instead a smile she gave me a cold blooded look
That look is way different from way back when we we're kids,she used to look at me joyfully.

"Eat it." she said coldly I looked at her with confusion "what do you mean dear?,I brought this for you" I said
"Im going to a restaurant,you eat that" she said and just walked pass me,I was about to say something but she suddenly dissapeared and when I looked at the stairs she's not there.

A student is walking towards me so I just gave this lunch Im holding to the student since I have nothing to do with it.
She seems to forget that Im allergic to seafoods.


Frea Sam Albrecht

"welcome" I greeted "Uhm,yes hi Im looking for a book" hmm a book "There's thousands of books here,what kind of book dumbo?" I said,I have a point there is a  thousands of books here so what kind,she just chuckeled at what I said instead of getting mad. hm whats this feeling? I like her? ,isnt it to soon for me to like her already? she's not like others and I know I may sound crazy right now but she's the only girl who didnt get mad at my sarcastic answers.

Its been 2 hours why is she still here?,Is she a college student or something? she looks young,I wonder how old she is hmm should i talk to her? gosh what am I thinking Oh forget.

"Hi miss uhm yeah we are about to close now" I said
she checked her phone and then looked at me for seconds "Well then,thanks" she said politely, Her charming smile made me fall for her, my mind is going blank on her stares.

Then suddenly "May I have your number?" I said,gosh what am I thinking why would I ask for her number.
"Hmm sure,call me dear" she said then left,I was just standing there speechless on what just happened.

Kristina Val Loiz

Uhm Im standing here for like what 10 minutes? And this book girl is just staring at me,am I really that handsome that she keeps staring at me.

"Uh miss? I know Im handsome but go easy on the staring" I said "Oh sorry again,what kind of book do you want?"
she asked. "Uh yeah uhm aincient books?" "Hmm let's see go right then left and there you'll find it" "Aight miss. wonderful thanks" I said.

I saw her blushed and cover her face,how cute.


Few hours passed and the same girl walked to me and said "Hi,sorry but we're going to close now. You may come back for more tomorrow" hmm I checked what time it was and its currently 11pm,took me 2 hours to read this book. "Well then,thanks" I politely said, as I was going to leave ...... "Hey may I get your number?" she said quite loud for me to look at her in shock
I chuckled,she seems sweet "Sure dear here,call me" I left, That was quite an experience for today wonder what will happen tomorrow. I smiled as I called for a taxi.

next day

"Gosh will you stop following me zirke?,stop being so rude." I yelled
what a stressful morning to start,cant i just have a normal morning without a pest bothering me.
"What's your problem val? Im your fiance so start treating me one,I just want to go on a date with you,whats wrong with that?" The pest said.
"Stop bothering me" I said coldly,I left before he coukd grab my wrist again.

Me walking by a cafe hm might as well come in I guess, "Ill order a cuppacino please"
Having a coffee makes my mind calm feels like Im in heaven for a minute.
"Heres your coffee maam,that will be 120pesos". Man shes a beauty,who is she? Short haired,meztiza hmm she looks like a model.
" here,may I know your name miss?" I said confidently,I know Im good looking so might as well use it right". "Why maam? wanna be my girlfriend?" she respond "damn straight forward or sarcasm?" we both laughed. "Names Ezra Ken,yours?" What a lovely name "oh I am yours" I said and winked ,she laughed loudly "corny mo po" she said,I chuckled "Im Kristina Val Loize" shes cute and I like her humor,Its been awhile since I laughed this loudly,Thanks to her I guess. We talked for awhile and my coffee is finished so we ended our conversation with giving our numbers to each other and I left the cafe. Today is stressful but fun because of her,I found out that she is chinese quite impressed of her accent really because she knows how to speak tagalog and english.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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