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Incoming call

"He said you guys were over" millie shook voice starting.

"We are"

"I ask him why and he said it's complicated"

"It is"

"Tell me"

"Let's just say it's complicated and you don't need too know. I just sick of everyone asking what happend"

"Alright, i'll give you some space. But just remember if you need anything call me"


I end the call. I know everyone just worried about me but don't keep asking me the same question it's annoying. How could i get over someone when everyone remind me of him.

Not to be dramatic or cringe but the fact that he had a girlfriend it hurts. And all i want to do was cry and cry and cry...

"Vee stop crying" timmy step in

"Have you been eavesdropping me?"

"Kind of but that's not the point, he's not worth it" he sat down next to me

"Funny, that everyone always said that when the other going through heart break"

"Cause it'll make them feel better. Just don't waste your tears. You could cry but don't do that for hours"

"I've been crying for 3 hours yesterday at the hollands and now i'm crying again" i wipe my tears

"Come here" he open his arm and i lay my head on his chest "don't cry over him you're more than that. There's so many guy out there who want to date you. Don't froget who you are, you're evelynn chalamet the richest self-made teenager. Sister of the most handsome guy alive"

I laugh at his sentence "thanks teddy i really need that"

"Well my job is done" he get up "i'll be downstairs if you need anything call my name, and don't cry" he point at me while walking out

"I won't" i smile

Timothee is giving me idea. What if i write a song? And publish it this time.

With that i get up and take my guitar, paper, and a pen

"Let see" i start to play random key "um no" and another key "all i want was the last, is all i want too much to ask? Is it something wrong with me...

A/N: i know it's another olivia's song but let's pretend it's ours okay

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