chapter 1

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Alhaji Mahmud balarabe was a popular business man, his father was a fulani man from Niger, whom married a Hausa girl from Kano... And since then they consider them selves as people of Kano, before his father died.

Alhaji Mahmud was happily married to his wife hajiya sadiya and they were blessed with two beautiful twin girls... kalina and kalisa were his most precious achievements because they grow up brilliantly.

Kalina was the oldest, kalisa the youngest with the interval of 15minutes.

His two girls we're turning 8 years old today and he can't wait to go home and surprise them.

ohh he thought my baby girls are growing up faster than I thought.

He took his phone and dialed his wife's number..... "Assalamu'alaikum hubbty how are the preparations" he asked, after awhile of listening to her answer he smiled " kice murtala yaje ya dauko su kalina a school I can't make it there early I have some visitors coming to Kano today" after awhile he said "Amin toh saina dawo" and he ended the call smiling.


Kalina's pov

I have been feeling rather sick today unlike my usual self who is always playing around and looking for trouble but today something seems off , today is our birthday but I just kept staring at my sister like this is the last time I'll be seeing her again.

Maybe I'll talk to mum when we get home.

"Kalina are you okay?... You look sick " kalisa asked

I looked at my sister and felt pity, she has been the quiet and observant one.

I smiled at her knowing she can read me like a book " Am fine Lisa, I just wanna go home"..

" Okay hold my hand maybe you will feel better" Lisa said.

I hold onto my sister's hand like my life depends on it and smiled.

"What do you think daddy will get us this year" I asked

" I can't guess, that's why it's called a surprise" Lisa explained

The closing bell rang.....

we took our bags and head outside to wait for our daddy to and come pick us...

We waited outside longer that usual but our daddy didn't show up...

Most of the students have gone home only few left behind including us.

I was so tired of standing that my water bottle slipped from my hand and rolled in to the road, I didn't see any car coming so I decided to go and carry my bottle not noticing a car speeding towards me...

I only heard my sister screaming my name " linaaaaaaa" before she pushed me out of the way I fell and hit my head on a stone and lost conscious the last thing I heard was people shouting " innalillahi was inna'illaihir raju'un" then everything went black.......

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