Chapter 1

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(Y/n) lays fast asleep in her bedroom . She woke up to the sounds of her phone ringing. She groaned as she snoozed her alarm, tucking herself back into her comfy bed. At least until another annoying alarm went off very far from her reach.

"Ugggh, Perl! I don't have training today, can't I at least sleep in once in a while." She grabbed one of her plushies and threw it directly at that excruciating sound. That "alarm" dodged the shot, her plush plopping to the ground but luckily for her the ringing stopped.

"True, but you know that I can't let you do nothing. You know what would happen if he finds out about your sleeping habits." She get up out of bed to stretch out her stiff arms, before stepping out of bed.

A yawn escaped from her. "Oh come on, don't be such a worry worm. Besides he's busy today, and I gotta run some errands anyway." She muttered with a small huff before letting the cold water quench her partched throat. "Well since you forced me up you can tell me the news report." Y/n grabs a set of clothes and steps into the bathroom to take a shower. It rolled it digital eyes, staying behind as it loads and brings up the newest news and weather reports.

"Today it is approximately 23° C with 89% sunny skies. Nice weather to go for a stroll as you said, Ms. (L/n)... As for the reports there are two latest news documents. The most recent news was last recorded 3 hrs and 40 piror. Would you like to listen?"

"Yes. However keep it breif and to the point. I'll look into the details later."

"Of course please wait one moment.... At Tatooin Station, there was a villian sighting five hours ago, Fortunately the villian was brought into custody by four heroes whom were in the area. The recent news is that there was a robbery. The villian hasn't been found yet."

'In a world where something we would see as fictional is our reality. So it's not that uncommon that everyone would have powers or "quirks" as they'd call them. Despite that, 89% of the population still go on their usual lives with simple quaint jobs, while the 6% percent become the heros that people admire, like my uncles and aunts. That's what I'm trying to become. Villians or no, powerful or weak, there will always be people using their gifts for a harmful cause. A Yin cannot live without it's Yang after all.'

"I see... thank you for your intellect, Perl." The bathroom door creaks open as she steps out smoothing out the wrinkles on her clothes.

" The bathroom door creaks open as she steps out smoothing out the wrinkles on her clothes

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Perl crawls up her shoulder. "What type of errands are you doing anyway?" She opens the cabinet, pushing away a jar of coffee grounds to obtain a few quick snacks, putting them inside her bag. "Well first things first I need food before I can do anything else. I'll pick up something while I'm out." She lifts the little bot off her shoulder, putting it in her bag before closing it, leaving a small gap.

She takes a step outside, locking the door and begins to drive through the city via her scooter. "Hey Perl do you think we might encounter this runaway villian?" She snickered.

"Theres a 50% chance, but you should know the real answer. That would make a huge hassle for him if we did."

🌟: This is the end of this chapter. I know this is pretty short for a chapter, I might make a few edits to it, but this will be more of an introduction to the (Y/n) what character she'll be. The actual plot will progress next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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