"Forgotten angst and warnings"

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—"I think I'm going to go home, I'm not feeling good."— you say in a slightly sad tone, despite trying to sound calm.

—"Y-yeah sure. It's getting cold anyways so I may go home as well."— Olivia warmly says and gives you a quick but meaningful hug, which you instantly accept.

—"...Thank you, and thank you for being my friend."— you mutter weakly.

—"Thank you for allowing me become one."— she smiles squeezes you a bit.

After the small embrace and kind words, the atmosphere lighted up ones again and the heavy angst was long forgotten. The two females made their way out of the little forest and began to walk trough the neighborhood to their homes, chatting and appreciating the Halloween decorations that have been placed around the streets and people's houses, it had a spooky and magical vibe.
Unfortunately like everything in live, good moment has to reach it's end at some point...

—"(Y/N)! Fucking finally!"—

An alarmed voice of a man exclaimed somewhere behind the two females, their heads snapped back to see no other but Dr.Loomis. His figure was running towards them as fast as his old body allowed, the man seemed to be in some sort of distress.

—"Okay (Y/N) listen, this may sound crazy but your life is in danger and..."— he says between pants, seems like he've been seeking you for a while.

—"I'm going home, I don't have time for nonsense."— you reply with the coldest tone you've ever managed to make whilst culminating the man with your gaze.

When the (h/c) haired female was about to turn around, the doctor suddenly grabbed her wrist to keep her in place.

—"Just fucking listen, Michael escaped from Smith's Grove last night!"—

Such news twisted (Y/N)'s stomach, unsure how she should feel about the situation. Tho she will figure it out later, right now she has to get rid of this insane old man.

—"Okay, and what you want me to do? Give you a medal?"— you says sarcastically and tug your wrist out of his grasp roughly.

—"You don't understand, you are in danger (Y/N)! He may be co-"—

—"What? Coming for me?"— you drily cut him off. —"And how are you so sure about it? Haven't you told me that he doesn't even remember me anymore?!"— you shamelessly raise your voice at him.

—"Yes but-"—

—"Unless you lied to me, and he does remember me after all."— you slightly calm down at stare right into his eyes. —"You wouldn't lie, are you Loomis...?"—

The old man stayed quiet, eyes flickering between the female and the floor. He was completely cornered. If he says the truth, he would be exposed as a lier, but if he denies it he will end up looking like crazy and (Y/N) probably would just walk away. So he chooses a more 'diplomatic' way to keep her attention.

—"Just listed to me for a moment, okay? Please (Y/N), don't commit the same mistakes from years ago."— he calmly says. —"Don't launch yourself into a defensive state like you always do."—

—"Ugh listen here Loomis, I'm going to be clear."— you cut him off again and give him the darkest and hateful glare you've ever gave anyone. —"Let's pretend that 15 years ago I did listened to your warnings and kept my distances with Michael, would it prevent him from snapping durning Halloween night?"—

—"Well he co-"— he tries to reply, but you won't let him, not yet.

—"Let's say I listened to you after my hospital release and didn't try to communicate with him, would it prevent him from stabbing that nurse?"—

(Y/N) kept ranting about things that Loomis 'warned' her about trough the years and the little impact it would have if she had listened. After finishing the female kept staring at the old man, breathing heavily and shaky from all the anger and disgust she felt towards the doctor who shamelessly stained her name with false accusations and events, making her appear like a complete lunatic and freak of society.

Loomis stayed silent, unable to say anything since the female spoke nothing but truth and she had all the right to be mad. But now it was different and the doctor was sure as hell that Michael did have ill intentions towards the female. That's actually one of the reasons why Loomis stopped (Y/N) from communicating with Michael years ago, making up the excuse of him not remembering her anymore.

His patient became addicted and dependent on her and Loomis felt the need to stop it whilst Michael was still young, hoping that the consequences wouldn't be so severe, that Michael would open up to him instead of her, that he would be able to understand what was going on inside Michael's mind. But boy was he wrong... Really wrong.

—"One last question Loomis, if I acted 'smart' like you always say and didn't protect Michael from Ronnie, what kind of outcome we would get?"— you ask, waiting for his answer expectantly.

—"...You wouldn't get your face burned and you would look like a normal person?"— he replies, calmly but at the same time so painfully cold.

His words felt like a slap, the one and only reason the female made this question was to see if Loomis even cared about Michael's life at this point, because it's obvious as hell that the impact could easily end up killing Michael as a child. Seeing how Loomis didn't even acknowledge that fact hurt the female even more, she doesn't know why but it did.

(Y/N) was about to punch the man in the face but luckily Olivia snapped out of her awkward stare and noticed the twitching in her friend's arms.

—"Okay yeah it was a nice chat but we gotta go, bye bye!"— she hurriedly says whilst grabbing you and begins to tug you away.

—"Wait! At least take my number in case anything happens."— he tries to follow but it's quickly stopped by your hand.

—"Oh yeah, an old man is going to save the day."— you sarcastically say. —"Just leave me the fuck alone and focus on looking for your patient instead of wasting your time, bozo."—

And with these words (Y/N) walks away, now she being the one who tugs Olivia away from the doctor. The (h/c) haired female was fuming with anger, her mood completely dropped. The overwhelming sulk kept her minds distracted from digesting properly what Loomis just said to her, but at this point she doesn't even bother to try processing it. She will think about it later, for now she needs to calm herself down and forget this awful meeting.

And as if her thoughts were projected, Olivia kindly offers to come along to her place to relax, drink some tea and play with her dog, a beautiful and friendly Doberman. (Y/N) accepted almost immediately, yeah, it would be a good distraction and she missed the doggy a lot! It would be nice to see that good girl again.

And that's how in less than 15 minutes they were at Olivia's home, it was a small one floored building but with a really big backyard for her dog to play.

—"Okay I'm going to look around for Robin, she's probably napping inside some bushes, it's her favorite place."— Olivia slightly giggles whilst entering the house.

—"Alright, do I wait you in the kitchen?"—

—"Yup, and do you mind putting the kettle for the tea? Just don't burn down my kitchen."— she teases you.

After this quick chat the duo went on doing their part of the job, but as soon as (Y/N) began to fill the kettle with water a horrified scream echoed from the backyard. Olivia, she screamed...?!

With unease the (h/c) haired female makes her way towards the back door with caution, she've seen enough horror movies to become quite paranoid, but non of them could prepare for what she saw...

"The dog, or at least it's remains, were laying all over the backyard."

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin