𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕕𝕚𝕠𝕥'𝕤 𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕟 (𝟙)

Start from the beginning

"yes, exactly. unless you'd like to walk." the doctor hummed.

"i hate you both." rose grumbled as she reluctantly got into the side car. "you call this turning up in style?"

"yeah. well, for me and callisto, at least." the doctor grinned as rose shook her head, fighting back a grin.

"c'mon," callisto sighed, wrapping her arms around the doctor's waist, "let's... burn rubber."

the doctor laughed happily, "i knew you were gonna join in!"

"how cheesy." rose laughed at callisto.

"at least i'm not in a side car." the zen-whobian replied, enjoying rose's joking scowl as the doctor drove off.

"where we off to?" rose asked in a yell over the sound of the loud moped.

"ed sullivan tv studios! elvis did hound dog on one of the shows, and got loads of complaints! with any luck, we'll just catch it!" the doctor replied.

"and that studio's in new york, right?" callisto asked, leaning her chin on the doctor's shoulder.

"that's the one!" the doctor beamed, callisto and rose sharing a look.

a bright red double decker bus then drove down the street, cutting them off. the doctor stopped the moped, his grin falling. he glanced around and saw that bunting of the unified kingdom's flag was hanging all over the street, connecting on the houses and lampposts opposite. there was also a bright red letterbox on the corner of the street. callisto chuckled, leaning her head on the doctor's back as he continued to look around in disbelief.

"digging that new york vibe!" rose laughed.

"well, this could still be new york." the doctor mumbled. "i mean, this looks very new york to me. london in new york, mind, but..."

"what're all the flags for?" rose asked.

the trio parked the moped and got out, rose stumbling out of her side car, glaring at callisto and the doctor when the pair snickered. ahead, a man was opening the back of his works van to reveal old, box televisions. people were taking them from him with large, beaming grins on their faces after they'd payed the man.

"there you go, sir! all wired up for the great occasion!" the man smiled as two boys carried the television out of the back towards their home.

"the great occasion?" the doctor questioned smoothly as they walked around the van to him. "what d'you mean?"

"where you been livin', out in the colonies?" the man shot back, shutting the doors of his van. "the coronation, o' course."

"what coronation's that, then?" the doctor continued.

the man stared at him, "what d'you mean? the coronation."

"the queen's. queen elizabeth!" rose told the doctor as if it were obvious, which i kind of was.

"o- oh! is this 1953?" the doctor asked excitedly.

"last time i looked. time for a lovely bit of pomp and circumstance, what we do best!" the man smiled.

"look at all the tv ariels." rose mumbled as she looked up at the tops of the houses, the doctor and callisto following her gaze. "looks like everyone's got one. that's weird, my nan said tellies were so rare, they had to pile into one house."

"not around here, love." the man replied, pointing to the writing on his van. "magpie's marvellous tellies, only five quid a pop."

"oh, but this is a brilliant year! classic! technicolour, everest climbed, everything off the ration!" the doctor beamed, walking from down the street back to them. "the nation throwing off the shadows of war and looking forward to a happier, brighter future!"

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