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V pulled her scarf up and over her nose, rocking on both heels to try and focus on anything but the cold.

Logically, she knew very well she could simply wait inside— that N would come up and knock when he arrived.

But when it came to that boy, she was stupid. So very stupid.

She sighed, deciding she had already had enough of standing and sitting down on the top of the steps. It was late— so late it would be pitch black were it not for the neighborhood street and porch lights. V found herself staring at the shadow of her figure on the concrete path at the bottom of the steps, only visible thanks to her porch light on behind her.

"Don't you think it's neat? All the lights in the neighborhood have an amber hue; it makes it really pretty at night!" N had told her once. Back then, she had scoffed and dismissed the comment— now, she found herself always taking note of the lights' amber.

It's just a dumb color, V told herself, but she couldn't rid her fixation of them.

That boy made her so utterly stupid.

"You look pretty in this light."

"Huh?" V blinked, looking up from her shadow and to the end of the path. There stood N with a black bag slung over his shoulder and a red face.

"I-I mean— um! Well, your red scarf just looks nice in the amber light! And your hair goes nice with it too... Ah, actually, just forget I said anything!!"

V made a face and was about to question what the hell that was, but stopped short when she looked at N— really looked at him.

She stood, "Is that a black eye?"

N blinked stupidly before some sort of realization dawned on him and he quickly looked down, obscuring V's view of his left eye.

"Oh! Uh, no, it can't be! I haven't been punched! Or hit— or anything!! It's just the shadow, I bet! Yeah, the shadows! Totally the shadows."

"N," V demanded, crossing her arms over her chest, "Stop trying to hide it; you're a really shitty liar."

The boy gave in and sighed, bringing up a hand to run through his hair. He chuckled.

"Heheh, yeah, alright, you caught me...! But don't worry about it, okay? I'm good!"

"I'm not worried about it," V defended. N gave her a sheepishly smiled and V spun around at the speed of light, her face feeling hot for reasons that made her want to bash her head against the wall, "Fucking whatever, let's just go inside already, it's freezing out here!"

This wasn't the first time N had called V asking if he could stay the night.

The first time, V told him should've called Uzi instead, but he merely said he didn't want to burden her, especially with her being so young.

Yet somehow this doesn't burden me? V had wanted to demand. She's not even that much younger than us!

But no matter how annoyed, aggravated, angry, pissed she became towards N, she could never find the heart to deny him. Especially when she's not an idiot— even if N thinks he's being slick about it, he's such a terrible liar... it's a little cute.

V slammed the first aid kit down on the table as hard as she could. It made N jump but she couldn't give a damn— whatever it took to get that horrible thought out of her head.

"First... aid?" N questioned reluctantly after a few seconds of silence passed, slowly bending over to set his bag down.

"Well, duh," V responded like he was stupid or something— oh wait, he was, "Every time you come here you have some sort of injury— don't think I don't expect it by now."

Hurt | N x V | Murder Drones OneShotKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat