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Hanahaki Disease: It's a fictional disease, not real and is about having a crush on someone but think they won't like the person back so they start throwing up the person's favorite flower petals or theirs, the two ways to cure it is getting a lung surgery or the person confessing their love to their crush.

Requested by @KloeGross

(F/F) = Favorite Flower
(Y/N) = Your Name

You had a crush on Roy for quite months but you always overthink that he won't like you back...then a few days later, you start throwing up Roy's (F/F) petals. You were scared, not knowing what to do.

Before you start to die, you ran to Roy's house and knocked on his door. He answered and was shocked to see you like this, he pulled into his house and into his room.

He asks you what's wrong and you eventually told him; "Roy..*coughs* I love you.." you said while coughing in between sentences. He kisses you on the cheek as you fell into a deep slumber on his bed. Roy kisses your forehead and cuddled with you.

You were at the frog pond, talking with Ross. You fell in love with him since you guys were childhood friends, but you tell yourself that he wouldn't like you back and you eventually got scared.

After a few minutes later of you being worried, you started throwing up Ross's (F/F) petals as it spills into the frog pond, looking like lily pads. Ross rushed up to you as you layed down on the wood bench and Ross was worried for fuck sakes.

He asked you what's wrong and you told him; "R-Ross...I just wanted to s-say...I love you.." You said as you passed out and Ross was crying as he carried you to his house.

You were talking to Robert in the park as both of you watched the beautiful sunset. You had a big crush on him but you were scared that Robert wouldn't like you back.

You both were still talking until..you start throwing up Robert's (F/F) petals and it starts spilling on your lap. You were scared as Robert was in shook and asks you what's wrong and if you are okay, before you start to pass out you told him; "Robert...I...I love yo-" you said before you passed out.

Robert called an ambulance as you were taken to the hospital. After a few hours, you woke up in a hospital bed as Robert hugged you tightly while crying; "Please (Y/N)..! I love you too but please don't leave me like that ever again!" Robert cried out, you were shocked as you closed your eyes and accepted Robert's soft hug.

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