# ROBERT X !DEMI-BOY! READER - "This is gonna be the best sleepover!!"

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Short A/N: hey guys!! Merripen here, I'm so sorry about forgetting this book- but anyways I will always write in this book but since that I have school it's gonna be a lot harder.

Anyways let's move on!

You were scrolling through your phone until you got a text from Robert.
You smiled as you checked the message.

                               Robert <333
Robert <333
Hey Y/N!! Do you wanna have a sleepover as Ross's house? It will be fun!! Also bring snacks pls 💞

            Sure! And I'll make sure to bring snacks! Luv you! 💞💗

You smiled in excitement as you shoved your extra clothes in your bag and went downstairs. you almost forgot something, oh yea your pajamas and snacks.
You grabbed your pajamas and went back downstairs.

Your pajamas btw:

(Pretend the pants are pajama pants of your choice :3)Your mother saw you and asked where you were going

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(Pretend the pants are pajama pants of your choice :3)
Your mother saw you and asked where you were going.
You told her that you're gonna sleepover at a friend's house.
She sighed and yelled bye and told you to stay safe.
You walked outside and went straight to the gas station to get chips and candy.
As you walked out of the door, you looked at the sunset, it was gonna be pretty tonight!!

As you walked to Ross's house for a few minutes, you finally reached there and knocked on the door.
Ross's mother, Jaune answered the door and greeted you in as you walked in.
Jaune tells you that Ross is in his room and you walked upstairs to his room.
You opened the door then saw the three were waiting for you.
The three hugged you as after you sat down on the bed.

You and the three played video games while eating your snacks.
After you got very tired and fell asleep on the purple bean bag chair.
Robert saw you sleeping, Robert blushed then Ross and Roy looked at each other then back at Robert with a smug on both of their faces.
The three also went to bed after talking for a few minutes.
Jaune came in to check on you and the three. She sighed as she also went to bed.

around 12:07..

Robert woke up really cold because he slept near the window.
He looked around in tiredness and drew his attention to you while your whole body fell from the bean bag to the carpet rug.
He weakly walked to your heavy sleeping body and cuddled your body into his.
You woke up seconds later and blushed as you saw Robert was cuddling you.

Y/N: Robert..?

Robert: Go to sleep Y/N..

You go back to sleep until daybreak.

Bye!! I hope you enjoyed that!

HATZGANG X READER / SCENARIOS & ONESHOTS ^^Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt