The outside of Lennon's house was very nice, and it suited her. It was a white one story house, with simple features, but lots of gardening and curb appeal. Her porch was decorated with some lounge chairs and some potted plants. I was able to tell that one of the lights was still on inside, and I could see cabinets, so I'm assuming she was currently in her kitchen. Just moments later, I saw her silhouette appear in the windows.

I turned my car off, and with my hands in my sweatshirt pockets made my way up the walkway to her front door. I knocked and waited, and it only took a few moments before the door was cracked open and she was stepping out onto the porch for our daily conversation.

She started it this time, which shocked me, by saying "You're late"

"You noticed" I looked at her.

I hated to say it since things were not the same as they used to be, but she looked gorgeous as ever. She looked a little bit different, a bit more tired and run down than she used to be, so I could only hope everything was as okay as she told me they were, but she was still Lennon, and that made her beautiful.

Plus, I know I look a bit different as well. It's bound to happen when years have passed and things change.

"I tend to notice when people don't know how to take hints" She bit her lip, and tilted her head slightly towards me. "Yes I noticed, I want to go to sleep but the second I would've laid down in bed you would've been at my door pestering me anyways"

"I-... I'm sorry, I was at work, and it was a long day and I-"

"You were at work?" She cut me off, and instantly it was like something shifted. Her body language instantly tensed up, shutting me out, and arms were now folded over his chest. There was a subtle hint of anger? Disbelief? Behind her eyes, but I couldn't figure out which one it was. Probably both. She backed up, her way of letting me know that the conversation is ending in the next few moments, I did pick up on that the last few nights.

I sighed, feeling like I know where her brain just jumped to conclusions to. "Yes, I was at work"

"Harry, I really want you to stop showing up here" She took a deep breath, and recomposed herself.

"I need to talk to you. I-I know it was wrong, it was so incredibly wrong, but I want to at least try and make some of it right" Without thinking, I stepped closer and she instantly took a step back trying to get away from me. I backed up.

"I don't want to. You can call me selfish, insensitive, or whatever other word you want to come up with, but I don't want to talk to you"

Internally, I groaned. "Okay.. okay, I'll go. But I'm not going to stop trying"

I could see her roll her eyes before she spoke. "If you're going to come over and bother me, at least do it at 8pm"

For my sake, I'll take that as an invitation.

"8pm" I nodded my head.


I arrived at set the next morning at 4 am. There was a time waking up at the crack of dawn was easier, but now after years of sleeping in and wasting the day away, I was finding it hard to force myself to get out of bed and look prepared to be on camera.

Coffee was slowly becoming my new best friend.

I was aware it still wasn't the best thing I could be drinking, but it was a step up from where I was 8 months ago, and for that I'm going to consider it a slight win.

I brought some as well for the director and some of the crew. Maybe you could consider it sucking up, but I just wanted everyone to have a good morning. It's 4am for crying out loud. Plus, everyone here knows about what happened and it wouldn't hurt if a cup of coffee got me on their good side.

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