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y/n watched as a couple people walked into the room, recognizing one of them as her ex.

it wasn't a shock to see her here, they shared the same friend group so it was normal for them to bump into each other every once in awhile.

instead of continuing to talk to her friends that were sat on the couch beside her, y/n watched as her ex girlfriend said her hi's to the other people standing by her.

her eyes traveled down to the red skirt she was wearing, absolutely loving the way she looked.

pulling herself from her stare y/n finally looked away, going back to finish the conversation she was having earlier with the person to her right.

after a few minutes of getting caught up the group seemed to settle down, each person finding a seat for themselves.

y/n felt someone sit down beside her, causing her to turn her head, only to be met with her ex.

the two ended their relationship around a year back, all on good terms. with working and traveling continuously it was hard to find the time they needed, leading to the breakup.

y/n scooted to her right just a bit, making sure billie had enough room.

"you're ok, you don't have to move."

without saying anything y/n just nodded her head, a bit flustered with being this close.

an almost awkward silence made its way between the two, neither one of them not knowing what to say.

as the movie started people started to quiet down, especially after the lights were turned off.

y/n kept her eyes on the movie, not noticing the girl who kept glancing at her.

of course they both missed each other, that being clear to everyone but themselves.

after around thirty minutes into the movie billie had gotten tired, adjusting her body so she could sit more comfortably.

y/n took notice to the moving girl, looking down and smiling at the sight.

she moved closer, careful not to distract the others while whispering in the girls ear.

"i can move if you want, so you can have more room." y/n kindly offered to billie.

billie immediately shook her head, she liked being like this with y/n, she missed being able to go to y/n for comfort.

"no you're fine, i was just trying to adjust without bothering you." billie quietly responded.

y/n thought for a second, deciding to stop overthinking the situation, wrapping an arm around billie to pull her into her side.

although it took billie by surprise she immediately got a sense of comfort, a hot blush spreading across her cheeks.

"thank you."

y/n looked back at billie once she heard her voice, mouthing 'of course' before going back to watch the movie that was playing.

billie did the same, her eyes starting to once again feel heavy as she watched the screen. it wasn't long before she drifted off, cuddling into her ex.

billies eyes adjusted to the light as she woke up. looking around she found all of her friends still in their original spots, although y/n wasn't there anymore.

she sat up a bit, looking to see if y/n had maybe found a different seat.

she hoped y/n didn't leave without saying anything.

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