chapter 7. A dance or two.

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Peneople had found herself walking to the carriage with her family her mothrt and sister were already inside taking a glance at the Bridgreton house she could see darkness from the windows meaning they much already be there since it was Daphne and Simon turn to host a ball, Peneople signed as she sat in the carriage once the door closed and began to move along Peneople mind kept thinking, of course the Bridgretons would be on time or earlier to show support that was something expected from them to be there for each other nothing seemed to stunned them into silence they remain close it was something Peneople found comfort in whenever she was around them that they liked her enough to have her around so much she hated not having that closest anymore without the Bridgretons sadly Peneople had no one on her side.. apart from Kate.

As they carriage draw closer to the house Peneople felt her mothers hostile glares before finally hearing her mothers words "you should of woren pink Peneople we're all wearing pink" portia stated she couldn't help hut roll her eyes it made Peneople heart tump in her chest did she look bad?? "You're meant to match for heaven sake this ball is important " Portia stated with a clenched jaw, intense eye contact, furrowed brows as she waved her fan it wasn't even warm out...

"It's just another ball mother, its not as if anyone will notice" Peneople stated its true Peneople time has passed by now but that didn't stop Peneople hoping to find a husband under her mothers nose feeling that her mother would never dream of her marrying nor would she ensure Peneople marriage was a love match instead it would be for money and titles.

"I'm surprised your so .. still" Prudence questioned looking at her with a rised brow "what do you mean?" She asked holding one hand within the other "I saw you yesterday walking with a gentleman at the garden party" Prudence replied Peneople didnt say anything instead feeling the martial of her gloves "a gentleman? Peneople you never informed me of this who is he, is he a master or a lord" Portia questioned rather shocked by the news "he was escorting me from Lord Fife" peneople spoke quietly "Lord Fife..." portia muttered placing her fan on her lap "well he certainly has his hands full this season " Portia said looking outside the window.


The Bridgretons walked into the ballroom which shined bright as people danced and chattering filled the room "Danphe got the hang of been a duchess rather quickly i see, the place looks wonderful " Anthony commented as he walked in with Kate's arm firmly linked in his, Kate couldn't help but feel nervous this was only their third ball as a married couple they still hadn't hosted their own yet and Kate had noticed the odd looks from the ton people at those balls...

"Mrs.Featherington, Miss. Philipa Featherington and Miss. Peneople Featherington" the door announced as Kate signed in relief as she looked back at the entrance to noticed the Featheringtons walking in "another bright colour I swear Mrs.Featherington must have a special collection of fabric that no one dares go near, i dont even think id paint with her colour palette" Benedict said making everyone slightly laugh, Kate looked back to find Peneople appearing near the door she was excited to see her  wearing a royal blue dress her hair was straighter nicely clipped down.

Peneople appearance was noticed by many in the room certainly a few men, who eyed her carefully with smirks some elbowing their friend almost to say 'go for it.'

"Miss.Featherington !!" Kate announced waving at her friend to come over in which Peneople did appearing

"It's lovely to see you Mrs.Bridgerton, Mr.Bridgerton " Peneople curtsied to the pair reaving one from both Peneople of course noticed Colin and Benedict walking straight towards them. "Peneople you look good in blue" kate commented "thank you I adore your colour its deep orange red from India right?" She asked Kate smiled appreciatively at her friend she had her mother send over fabric from India it was important to still wear her colours "why yes it is thank you Peneople " Kate said squ Peneople hand quickly, peneople exchanged a glance at Anthony who smile at her in return he was extremely impressed with Peneople Featherington she clearly wasn't a regular member of society since knowledge of Indian fashion wasn't taught much he knew Peneople was trying to help Kate and he was grateful for that in fact Peneople has been there only person away from the family who has been a true friend.

Forsaken Love ~ Polin Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora