Chapter 13: Winter Festival (The Invite)

Start from the beginning

"Well I think it's time for a break. I don't think stressing over this is going to do you any good" stated Ranboo, making his way over to the work bench.

"I can also see it's taking a toll on you, both emotionally and physically" he added, as he gently squeezed and tugged at the avian's face.

"I'm fine. I just need to get food into my system and get back to work" muttered Tommy, as he took the plate from the enderian.

"Or maybe just stop working for a day or two sounds like a better suggestions" claimed Ranboo, crossing his arms.

"Yeah but I'll be behind on things" argued Tommy, digging into the food.

"Yes but I'm the one who suggested the idea of us getting married and the dress so what I say goes' ' countered Ranboo.

"Which means you must rest," he declared.

"But-" started Tommy, before a hand covered his mouth.

"Rest" scolded the enderian.

"You can start by leaving this room. It's very stuffy in here anyways" he remarked.

The blonde furrowed his brows before sighing defeatedly. He found no proper reason to argue with his friend since they were right. He shook and stretched out his wings as he stood to his feet. Ranboo nodded triumphantly before leading the way out of the room. Tommy followed him begrudgingly while shoveling food into his mouth. The duo made it from the back of the cottage to the living room. Unsurprised to either of them, things were in quite disarray and looked like a bird's nest. The enderian flopped into a pile of cushions that was nearby while the avian settled beside him. He leaned into the side of the prince as he watched him pull what looked like a new book from his bag.

"What's that?" Tommy asked, lifting a brow.

"It's another of those fairytale books but it only has one story in it. Philza said it's called a novel" stated Ranboo.

"Oh? What's it about?" questioned Tommy.

"Well as far as I've read, it's about a merling befriending a human and She wants to join her on land but can't because she can't walk. The last part I stopped at is when she was going to visit an elder guardian since it has some magical ability to possibly help her" reported Ranboo, as he opened the book up to show a picture.

The blonde squinted a little as he looked at the page. It was black and tan sketch of a woman with an eel-like tail. Her hair looked like seaweed but it was braided. The focus of the scene was of her swimming towards a temple while talking to a weird looking sea animal with a curled tail. It was a very pretty look and the little elements encased the drawing such as bubbles and sea shells doodle on the edge.

"OoO, she's pretty! But what the heck is this little thing?" spoke Tommy, as he pointed to the little creature.

"The book said it's called a seahorse. I asked Niki about them and she said they can be found in a bunch of places with warm and salty water. She also said they are kind of like the tiny version of something called hippocampus" explained Ranboo, as turned the book back towards himself.

"Hippocampus?" uttered Tommy, with a questioning look.

"I don't know what it is either. All I know is that it lives in the ocean and that's all I wish to know '' shrugged Ranboo, as leaned back into the cushions.

Tommy just hummed as turned his attention back to his food in hand. The duo sat in comforting silence. Just the flipping of the pages of ender prince's novels and the clicking of the avian's fork on his plate. The food on it was eventually gone so the blonde set aside before turning around to lay beside Ranboo to read the book alongside him. The enderian didn't seem to mind and just shifted to give him space. Tommy stretched out his wings into a comforting position as his feathered limbs sprawled out across the cushions and his friend's back.

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