Chapter 6- Well great.

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Mondo's Pov

Look I know it's happened two or three times before but it still always gets me. One of the reasons I put on films is so i accidentally fall asleep. Last night was different for some reason. It was better. It felt like my feelings were returned. That's probably a load of shit but it's good to have dreams.

Mondo." Taka whispered while tapping on my chest. "Mondooo. It's time to wake up."
"What" I said slurring, eyes barely open.
"We need to get up for school. You have a test today. We can do some revision in the library if we get there early." He was still energetic.
"Mmmkay gimme like five more minutes." I said pulling the blanket back over us.
"Sure bro." I felt him fall back onto my chest.

Five minutes later we were both up and ready by 7. That gives us about an hour and a half to revise.
"Ready?" I asked Taka who was pulling his shoes on.
"Yeah." He said, slinging his satchel around his shoulder.

We rode to school as the morning sun shone down on us. I walked through school and put our helmets in my locker. It was eerily quiet. I guess Taka was used to it as he seemed to carry on as usual.

"Hey do you usually get to school early?" I blurted, covering my mouth with my hand afterwards.
"Pardon? Oh yeah I always get here for about quarter past. I usually help out the cleaners or help caretakers or if everything has been done I'll go to the classroom to read."
Damn. This guy is going for ultimate nerd status.

We set up our books on the wooden table covered in scattered graffiti. It was cue cards galore. I think I may die but hey, I won't be overly shitty at math. I think Taka pretty much went through everything again. Sooner or later it was time for me to leave.

Math was First period. Everyone was just as anxious as I was. I put my books down and hung my coat over the back of my chair. This was it. Three months of flirting and learning have all come down to this.

"Everyone write your names on the test. Don't turn your papers over yet. We will start at 9.00 and finish at 10.00." Miss whateverthefuckhernamewas announced.
I scrawled my name onto where the line was. At least I got one question right.

I turned the page over to see lots of questions. I was doing better than usual I think. Okay, Angles of Triangles. Taka had gotten a haircut the day before. He looked really cute that day. All of it adds up to 180 so therefore. That was a fancy thought. I am actually getting this! I didn't have to give up half way through!

After an hour of struggle and effort I managed to finish my paper. I triple checked it for good measure and I think I did pretty good. No cheating. No copying. No looking at Kaz's paper even though he's just as hopeless as me.

I guess I just have to wait. To see. I really don't know how I did. But for once I'm actually really worried to see how this plays out. If I failed school before I always had the gang and a life of crime. I'm not fully sure if I want that anymore. Now I care about school and prefer to hang out with a bunch of gay freaks like me. It's quite sweet.

Three weeks later...

Today is the day. I get my results back. It's the end of lunch and the bell is blaring in my ears. I walk with Kaz to final period.
"Do you think you did good?" I ask the shark-toothed man.
"I'm pretty sure i did shit as per usual." He grins.
"I've got my hopes up this time. Something may actually go well for me." We sit down next to each other as usual.
"Gundham always gets better grades than me. Why do you get a smart tutor boyfriend- I'm sorry bro? Actually he comes with fun hamsters so that's an automatic win."
"I gotta concede there. And we are just friends sadly." I gave him a look of jealousy and sadness. "Wait how did you two actually get together?"

" I don't know man. I always hung around with this girl called Sonia and then she became friends with Gundham. I guess we met and just sorta clicked. One night it was just the two of us hanging out and I kissed him. I guess he just felt the same way. And they all lived happily ever after, the end or some shit." Kazuichi gestured a book closing.
"Huh. Guess I just have to do that." I figured.
"Do what?" He turned to me with a look of confusion.
"Kiss him."

Miss Nameiforgot started to hand out the tests. I always get my test results at the end for some reason. She walked around us all with a certain look on her face. It was a mix of disappointment and pride. She slammed the paper down onto Kazuichi's desk.
"Surprisingly good. But you are still violating the dress code." Miss smiled with crooked teeth.
"Holy Fuck I got 50%! That's like 100% better than normal!" He started smiling only with sharpened teeth. I was happy for him just scared for myself.

A few minutes later Miss circled round to my desk again. She put the paper on my desk and grinned. I looked at it and saw a score of 96%. That's a fuckton for than usual. It felt surreal. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I could practically kiss Taka right now.

"Hey dude what did you get?" Kazuichi asked me.
"96%" I stared at him with a look of shock and joy. A surprised and anxious smile spread across my face.
"Holy fuck bro. That's really good."

I spent the rest of the lesson in anticipation. It was the slowest lesson I think had ever happened. It was going through answers. I had gotten all of them right except two. So I mainly just drew in my sketchbook. Daiya says my drawings are good. I think they are kinda dumb. I sketched a little butterfly. It had ornate wings. I drew random people aswell. Just people from my life and classes.

I drew this one girl with long blue hair. She was reading some manga. Denganronpo or some shit. Either way there was a guy who looked like me in it. Kinda freaky.

The bell rang and I was so happy it did. I shoved all my books into my bag immediately. I ran down the corridor to where Taka stood at the looker room. He was always there before me.

I'm not sure how to explain the next few moments. I'm not even sure it happened. It was a blur but also as clear as a picture. It felt like hours had been put into a second.

My legs just started moving. I ran over to an unsuspecting Taka. And I kissed him.

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