Peter's Pov

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"Wake up losers!" I heard my brother David screeching. I opened my eyes. I looked across the room at Chris, who had wisely covered his ears with a pillow.

"WOOHOO!" I felt the bunk bed creek. Matt was up. I tried to pretend I was still asleep but I was too late.

"Peter, we know that you up." I heard David sneer at me jokingly. Well, it was worth a shot. I reopened my eyes.

"Hopefully, I'm not rooming with you David." I sneered back while sitting up. Chris managed to still be asleep. How did that little sass ball do it? I wondered. I watched David and Matt creep up on Chris. Matt was holding two pans but before I could wonder where he got them, David pounced on Chris while Matt clapped the pans together.

"WAKEY WAKEY! EGGS AND BAKEY!" David and Matt sing-songed together. I laughed as Chris awoke. He threw the pillow at Matt(who fell over upon impact) while tossing David off himself.

"Really guys? Why did you have to wake me at one in the morning!" He asked the two weirdos.

"It's actually 7:30..." I answered for them. "We are headed to the academy today." I made sure to remind Chris.

"Oh right." He soon got up as we all managed to get ready for the morning.

Now before I continue telling you about my life, it probably a good idea to get to know the family. I am the oldest. Then comes Matt. Then the twins (David and Chris.) We all live with our dad. But this year we all got accepted into a school known as Timelord Academy. It is a boarding school so our father made us all promise to look after one another especially the twins, who were both rebels in their own way. So back onto our day.

We had all gotten ready. I wore my grey t-shirt with jeans and a light brown jacket. Matt was wearing a white suit shirt with what I like to call his grandpa pants and a tweed jacket along with his bright red bowtie. Oh Matt the clown! David was wearing his pinstripe suit while Chris was wearing a green t-shirt with his leather jacket and pants. To my father, we probably looked like a group clowns! Mainly because of Matt. I gathered up our suitcases and belongings we had packed up the day before and headed into my dad's car. I took what would be my last look at the house for a long time as my father drove off.

Timelord AcademyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz