Battle Training

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With this class being the trouble class, the teachers decided it was a good idea to train this class specifically for any villain intrusion. The class was going to be one big team, with Aizawa, Present Mic, Nezu, Snipe, and Ectoplasm as the villains. They'd be going all out with the weights from the final exam.

The villains had 10 extra minutes to set up. They were to set up two cages, and then capture two students. It was a simple game of cops and robbers, just with more reason for it, rather than an elementary game.

By now, Todoroki had explained to everyone why Midoriya had small panic attacks every time someone came too close. The memories came flooding back to him every time he told an individual, so he finally decided to tell everyone at once, and get it done and over with, so at the time being, Todoroki, Bakugo, and, Kirishima were the only ones Midoriya allowed to get close to him. They were the only three that Midoriya allowed to call him by his first name, the only ones that had been with the villains, the ones that watched Midoriya become the thing they saw now, the beast they had instead of their kind friend. They hated it, but at the time being, none of them could do anything about it.

"Does anyone have a plan for how we can beat the teachers?" Iida called, and looked at Midoriya for any help.

Midoriya whispered something to Todoroki, and he nodded. Midoriya slowly walked forward, but stopped halfway to the group. This is far enough. They won't hurt me, as far as Todoroki and Kacchan say, but how do I know for sure?

"Th-the teacher never said anything about how we win, but if we can go with at least one of us being captured, then I think we'll win. If we can stay together for the time limit, we'll be good. And by together, I mean two groups," he said.

Midoriya backed up quickly and ran into Kirishima, who grunted on impact, but quickly wrapped his arms around his friend in a giant bear hug.

I don't want to think about what will happen if Deku gets captured again, even if it is by pro heroes. They never helped us, yet he still wants to become one. Bakugo thought, staring at the broccoli.

The two groups were already decided. Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Midoriya would be one group, and everyone else would be the other group. The teachers knew about this. They knew that the compassion everyone had, the sympathy those three had toward Midoriya would be their downfall and yet, little did the students know, they were playing right into the teachers hands...

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