the test

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lotus's pov

after kakashi finished up with the anbu i headed home to get ready for tomorrow i couldnt hear naruto next door so hes either asleep or not home  i head in to my kitchen to make some food to take with me tomorrow nothing to heavy just a few breakfast sandwiches four to be exact "those idiot will probably listen so kashi and not eat so i'll bring them some too" i set them in the fridge and find on outfit for tomorrow a sleveless turtle neck one peice with the thighs cut high and some loose low cut pants and set then on top of the dresser with food packed and clothes picked i gathered all my blades, a sharping stone and and sat on the floor leaning agenst my bed and sharpened all my blades my kunia, my senbon needles and my short sword "if i dont get kashi to bleed i'll be disappointed in myself" by the time i finished cleaning all my weapons it was getting late so i desided to sleep till i had too meet up with everyone and set on alarm for 8 knowing kashi will probably show up around 9 three hours late sounds like kashi

i woke up with my alarm the next day rolling out of bed i wonder into the bath room to wash my face and brush my teeth brushing what little hair i have i get dressed straping on my thigh pouches, put my short sword on the back of my waist, slip a dagger into my left boot, and use two senbon needles to hold the half of my hair thats lobg like hair pins then grab my breakfast and the extra three on my way out to the training ground i move quick running along roofs moving to the ground as i get closer i slow to a walk when i see the others sitting under a tree calling out too them "hey guys im here" they look too me then sakura and naruto jump up and yell at me "your late" sakura gos on "you should have been here two hours ago and are you eatting sensei said not too eat" i look from her to naruto and respond "ya well can you really be late if sensei isnt even here and yes im eating if i dont have breakfast then i want have the enery needed too fight and either will you" with that i reach into the paper bag i had with my and toss them all a sandwich of there own they all catch them but all have there own reaction sasuke just hn's at me but eats it anyway naruto shouts his thanks and eats his but sakura shouts how we were told not to eat and it would be breaking the rules "eat it or dont sakura i dont care give it to naruto if you dont want it im sure he would happlie eat another right sunshine" i look over to him so see him looking as sakura hopfully and i chuckle going too see under the tree with sasuke to wait for kashi when i get there i greet him "hey there sasuke did you enjoy waiting here with the idiots " he looks to me out of the corner of his eye then actually respondes " you could of told me you were coming late then i could have too" i look at him a litte suprised "oooo you actually answered me you must not hate me like you do everyone else" he just rools his eyes and gos back to being silent so i lean back and close my eye till kashi decides to show himself im sure hes watching us by now at about 9:30 kashi finally strolls into the training ground without a care in the world and again sakura and naruto jump up and yell "your late" to which kashi gives a terrible excuse and i voice my opinion on it "kashi if your going to be three and a half hours late you could at least use the time to find a decent excuse" and kashi rubes the back of his neck but starts to explain his test pulling out a clock and three bells "this alarm will go off at noon and you have till noon to get these bells form me who ever doesnt have a bell by noon will be sent back too the academy tied to a pole and not given lunch" then he pulls out three lunch but looks confused when only sakura looks concerned about the food then sasuke nods his head at me naruto look very thank full at me and sakura look liks a kicked puppy because she did end up giveing her breakfast too naruto so i hold up a peice sigh and say "jokes on you kashi i brought everyone breakfast when i got here" and give him a smug smile kashi looks like he been beaten at his own game but then sets down the food and starts the clock then everyone snaps to action

sasuke jumps back and hides the a tree sakura hides in the bushes naruto doesnt move so he can challange kashi head on and i just walk to the line of trees and sit on the ground in the open kash looks around and pause for a sencond on me and sighs then looks to naruto naruto propares to fight as kashi reaches back too his pocket and puls out his perv book naruto yells about this and attack kashi quickly beats him and jabs him in the butt along the way once naruto is tied up he looks too me and raises on eyebrow then i look too naruto and yell "naruto do you want to work together too beat him or just help down" naruto wiggles around and responeds "no i got to do this myself im going to be hokaga" i sigh then yell even louder sasuke sakura give me a sigh if either of you want too work with me to beat him" then after a few seconds of waiting and nothing happening i look to kashi and raise my own eyebrow and shrug he shakes his head and jumps into the forest after a few seconds i hear sakura yell thats when i get up and head to her i find her laying on the floor traped in a genjutsu i lean down to break her out of it and when she wakes up she starts yelling about sasuke and how she has to save him i try explaining how it wasnt real but she doesnt lisen and just runs off then i sign and just sit untill i feel chakra spikeing and follow it to find kashi fighting sasuke then sakuke loses and kashi walks off but not far i can feel then sakura sees only sasukes head screams again and faints so i jump down i glance at his head and see him looking back at me i go to sakura and pull to lean agenst a tree then go crouch in fornt of sasuke "do you want my help" he looks away for a few seconds then looks back and give a small nods and mumbles a even smaller yes so i step back make the proper signs the say earth piller and stomp down so the earth around sasuke rises and he pops out he brushes himself off hn's gives me a nods and runs off then i turn too where kashi is and walk to him when i find him i ask "sooo do i have too fight you or are we happy saying we know how it will end and leave it at that" kashi puts his book down and turns to me responding "not a full fight but how about an arm wrestle ill give you a bell if you win" i smile at him " your on" and we lay on the ground linking are hand he says "on three 1,2,3" and it begins its even for about a minute till the ground cracks around us and our chakra spikes then we start leaning one way then another till kashi starts winning then i add a bit of my other chakra kashis eyes go wide then i slam his hand down and jump up and cheer "ha i win kashi hand it over" kashi scoffs but tosses me a bell saying "i should have said normal chakra only you dirty cheat" i laugh "its not cheating theres no rule broken you never said i couldnt" and i walk away heading for the posts leaveing kashi to collect the others 

when kakashi arrives with the other three im sat in front of what use to be the three posts one of was suppose to be ties too but where now a pile of splinters my fellow genin look at me like if committed a crime and me dear sensei shows of face of a tired father who is so done with there kids shit and in retaliation ro my actions kakashi decides to tie naruto too me back too back "hey what the hell you shitty perv let me go im not a training post kakashi i swear to all the celestial beings if i have to get myself out of this i will rip your genitals off and shove them down your throat" i yell at him and his response is  "well that's aggressive you did this to yourself ill untie you after were done for now be a good replacement post and ill buy you a new book of you choice" "you cant just buy me im not some cheap whore" "two books and a new piercing" "fine but i wont be happy about it" then sasuke says just loud enough to hear "so much for not being a cheap whore" i snap " hey piercing aren't cheap" naruto said "oh oh oh you want another one your piercing are cool but dont they hurt" then sakura "yes naruto piercing do hurt but not all the same" then back too me "ya they don't all hurt the same like i didn't even feel the tongue be pierced but the lips made me want to flinch the ears hurt a bit too" then kakashi stepped in "ok back on track non of you are going back too the academy" sakura asks "we passed but all i did was pass out" "no you didn't pass you failed and im going to drop you three from the ninja program all together" then of course naruto yells "you cant do that its not right" "i can and i will non of you truly understood the purpose of this test" and it just went down hill from there naruto argued kakashi argues sakura tried to reason and then sasuke spoke up "you said three you said you where where going to drop all three of us but theres four of us so one of us passed" and that was the moment naruto's thrashing ended up enbowing me making me jump and the bell in my pocket jingle causing sasuke and sakura to turn there heads to me while naruto tryed his best to look at me yelling " was that a bell you got a bell when how" i just sigh and kakashi cuts back in "yes three of you because lotus got a bell she understood the test and offered you all a chance to pass with her which you all turned down tho in you defence she could of got about it in a better way it was team work you where supposed too work together" "but we didnt work together non of us did so how could she have passed" sakura askes "yes your right you didnt work together non of you did you sakura where to focused of sasuke naruto was dead set on doing ti alone too prove himself and sasuke things himself better then you and assumes you'll drag him down but lotus did ask you all about teamwork naruto said no and you two didn't even respond too her but i will give you one last chance after lunch till then no one feed naruto" and with that kakashi disappears "sooo....... will one of you untie me" i ask "no that would mean untieing naruto as well" sakura answers "sasuke comes my man untie me" "suffer" "uhhhhhhhh" so we sit quit a bit with naruto looking over at sakuras food every few seconds until she couldn't take it anymore " fine here" as she holds food up for him naruto looks ready too cry   "thank you sakura thank you as he takes the food then sasuke signs and hands me some "ahhhh thanks bud i knew you liked me" and i take the food too and thats when kakashi appears again in a storm of thunder scaring the three and making me jump 'dramatic much' i think "what have you done" he yells they respond "we feed our team mates cuz there need energy if were going to fight again" "YOUUUUUUU pass" he saids from above us "uhhhhhhhh" naruto and sakura yell sasuke just hn's "you pass you gave up you food for your team mates you pass" he said as he finally unties me from naruto i jump up "finally freedom no offence naruto" i said looking at him as the others stand too "we will meet back here tomorrow for our first mission 6 o'clock don't be late" kakashi tells us"8 o'clock got it" i say "6 o'clock lotus" he kashi responds "ok so break in too your house and wake you up at 5 will do" "lotus" "kashi" "im serious" "so am i now come on kashi we got books too buy and piercing to get" i say as i drag him away 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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