Feeling Incomplete

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AN. Lucas and Chloe are slowly rebuilding their life together. With a ring on her finger, what will the future have in hold for them as they plan their wedding? One thing for sure, life will be far from boring for these two…

I went to the hospital every day; Harry had said I could take as long as I needed off work. After all, my place was with Chloe, my gorgeous girl was getting better every day but I couldn't bear to be away from her for too long. The doctors had said it wouldn't be too long till I could bring her home, that day couldn't come soon enough. I was so excited, and still in shock over the news I had been given a few days ago. Chloe was pregnant again, so not only had she protected our wonderful daughter, and survived the horrific attack Erik had inflicted on her, she'd unknowingly protected our unborn son or daughter. Life was truly beginning once again for us, but everything was going to be so much better than it was before… and what we had had before that God awful day had been as close to paradise as I thought we could get.

It really felt like a miracle had happened that day; we had been told that Chloe should never have survived the attack. Something that haunted me every waking second, but the nights, the nights were so much worse. I had nightmares that I never made it through the door that day, or that I got there too late to save her… the very idea of not having Chloe made me physically sick. To not feel myself drowning into her blue eyes as she smiled at me, I'd sworn to myself to the Gods watching over us as I'd knelt in the hospital chapel that I would die before I let Chloe be hurt again. I loved her more than life itself.

I split my time between the hospital and our newly restored home with Aeryn, whether it was pushing her pram around the park or taking her anywhere I could think of that would guarantee my angel would be happy. The ducks were always a favourite for her though, I lost myself for hours it seemed watching my little girl gurgle and smile as I fed them scraps of bread. Now though, we were sitting in the car staring up at the hospital as I checked I had everything I needed for Aeryn in the bag I'd meticulously packed. Christ, it really was true… if you have a baby, you end up taking everything with you – I was pretty sure I had the bloody kitchen sink in here somewhere!

A giggle came from the seat behind me and I looked into the mirror, Aeryn was playing with her latest toy… this little goblin thing Dimitri had bought her, apparently, she'd refused to let go of it, and D being D couldn't bring himself to say no to her. Then again, I hadn't found anyone in her twelve months on this Earth who had, certainly not me…

"Okay baby girl, I know you want to get into those loving arms of your Mummy, so let's go princess. Daddy thinks he has everything we need for the next few hours to keep you happy. Alright sweetheart, I'm coming."

Undoing her straps gently , I carried her gently in my arms, the nappy bag hitting me at every step in the leg I couldn't help but smile at her sucking that little toy… not exactly the thing I imagined her wanting, but god help you if you left it behind. Taking the lift up to the ward to see Chloe, I felt I could make this journey with my eyes closed, every visiting time I was here from the moment it started to if I could charm someone, at least half an hour after I should have really left. I was hoping to hear we were bringing my girl home soon; I wanted her lying next to me, my arms wrapped around her protecting and loving my fiancée and my unborn baby. I felt heart skip a beat as I thought of the scan I had in my wallet next to the photos of my girls…

The shock of how my life had turned around in the last few years hit me once again - I had gone from nothing without any idea of knowing where my life would take me to having a wonderful family. Somewhere, somehow I had been given a second chance and I held onto it tightly with both hands.

Pushing open the door to the ward, I saw her, my beautiful girl was walking towards me using the stick I knew she hated but given how weak she still was and the pregnancy was something she would have to continue using for the next few months. Her smile lit up the room as she saw Aeryn and me approaching, and the gurgling coming for my baby girl intensified as she saw her Mummy… today, was going to be a good day I just knew it. I gently pulled her into my arms holding both of my girls close to me, when I held them like this I felt I could do anything, the love and support I got from Chloe and the simple sweet affection my baby girl gave me. They gave me the strength to be a better person every single day of my life. I kissed Chloe softly, feeling her contented sigh against my mouth… as I pulled back a smile crossed my face, my girl was happy about something.

"The doctor saw me this morning Lucas, he said he saw no reason for me not to go home… to be with you and Aeryn. Baby, he said I could come home today he just needed to organise my physiotherapy. I'm coming home Lucas, coming home to you."

I was lost, we were going to be together again, tonight I was going to lie next to my fiancée for the first time in weeks. Then I felt a small wave of fear, what if she couldn't cope in the house, what if she was as haunted by that day as I was? Christ, I'd only seen the aftermath, she'd experienced Erik's' wrath first hand. One day at a time Lucas, one day at a time… Let's see what happens when Chloe is home I thought to myself. I kissed the top of her head, breathing in the strawberry shampoo she had taken to using, such a wonderful natural smell that was so her.

"That's amazing baby; do you know how long we'll have to wait? I can't wait to have you home I've missed you more than words can say… I love you Chlo'. Now, where's that doctor of yours? Your fiancé wants you home as soon as possible, and he's not a man to argue with."

Watching Aeryn and Chloe playing together I felt the breath finally leave my body that I'd unknowingly been keeping in. Everything had to go well now; there couldn't be any more darkness in my life not after what we'd been through as a family. Life couldn't be that cruel, could it?

I had lots to do, and a surprise to get for my girl coming home… I'd seen something I thought would make her smile… something that would make her feel more at home I hoped. Dimitri was going to have to look after Aeryn for an hour whilst I got everything ready, after all, the doctor was sorting out Chloe's physiotherapy and there was sure to be a lot of medication for her to take, and then there were the ante-natal appointments. We hadn't made any when we first saw the youngest member of the North family for the first time, we were too afraid that this was an incredible dream we were experiencing. Yet, I had the evidence for myself, we were living the dream I'd had so many nights ago.

I had to call Dimitri and hoped he wasn't doing anything important on his day off, I owed him already for the help he'd been. When he wasn't working he was with me listening to me talk about that day, I had to get it out of my head and I was damned if I was going near a therapist again.

"Sweetheart, I need to go do a few things whilst we wait to hear from the Doctor, the sooner I get them done the faster I can be back with you. I'll get Aeryn's favourite uncle to look after her, I'm sure there is a duck that needs feeding somewhere."

I kissed her softly and dropped a gentle kiss on Aeryn's head before quickly stepping out to call Dimitri. I had to get this done and quickly, I'd paid the deposit on it and had been waiting for the right time to go collect it. Now, was the right time. Then a trip to the florists to get my beautiful bear girl her favourite flowers, every room would have yellow roses in it by the time I came back here.

"D, mate I need a favour. Chloe is coming home today, I know… I can't believe it either but I need to go do a few things and I'd be quicker without your gorgeous goddaughter with me. I was wondering if…"

He cut me off quickly telling me he'd meet me at the hospital to switch the seat into his car, one thing down, two to go.

Today was a wonderful day.

I quickly went back into my girls, telling Chloe to call me as soon as she knew when she was going to be discharged and went with Aeryn to wait for Dimitri.

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