Chapter 2

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Hua Cheng looked into the distance, bodies littered the foot of the mountain in front of him. Ling Wen's work. He heard light footed steps stop closely behind him."Your highness. You've found me." He turned, ready to apologise to his beloved again.

"Hua Cheng." The crowned prince smiled towards the other. "You left quickly, I almost didn't see where you went." 

"I apologise Gege.  The others were irritating." Hua Cheng edged closer to the God. "However, you're here. Where are they?"

"They decided to leave. Cold feet I suppose, reminds me of their generals." 

"Hm. Their generals are indeed a nuisance." Hua Cheng paused, staring just behind the white clothed figure.  "Gege, forgive this lowly one." In an instant he attacked with his scimitar in his hands. The figure was quick, but not quick enough, his face was sliced down the middle. 

"Crimson Rain Sought Flower. You must reveal how you saw through me." The man gave a dark chuckle before turning to face the red clad ghost, blocking another white figure. 

"White no face." Xie Lian whispered. 

"Gege, stay behind me, he won't get near you." Xie Lian saw Hua Cheng begin to shake, before realising it was Eming, the glowing red eye was wide and spinning like mad. 

"Your little knife seems to be upset. What a pathetic thing. Quite like it's wielder, a pathetic, little boy with a life full of misfortune." The Ghost chuckled again. "Xie Lian, do you know who this boy is? The one who fell from the balcony all those years ago. The boy who the others warned you not to touch. The boy who stole all your luck. The boy who caused Xianle's downfall." 

Hua Cheng froze. 

"San lang, ignore him. This is what he does, makes up lies to get under your skin, twists the truth to prevent the fighting. He knows he'll lose if he tries to go against us."

"I lie? Xianle, I do not lie. I am telling the truth. How else do you think the boy of misfortune seems to have endless luck? That was all yours, all yours until the day you caught him. Perhaps you did not realise this Crimson Rain, perhaps you thought everyone else caused it, the unhelpful gods caused it, I caused it. However, in the end, it all comes down to you, the boy who stole the prince's luck."

Hua Cheng began to shake again, very slightly, this time it was not the scimitar, that seemed to have lost all motivation for fighting. 

"You want to protect him? You're the one who caused him pain, you're still causing him pain. Now he knows who you are, how can he ever look at you knowing you ruined him? No matter, I have a simple solution." He paused, noticing the ghost looking at him from the side, he smiled under his mask. "Kill yourself and free him." 

"San Lang, please ignore him. You did not cause any of what he is saying. I am here because of my own decision. I chose to descend to the mortal realm to help my kingdom, I made it worse. I failed to protect my own people. The disease would have spread no matter what because of him." Xie Lian reached for the others arm, barely grazing it before it was snatched away.

"I am to protect you. I failed you before so I will save you now. Then I shall rid you of misfortune." Hua Cheng tightened his grip on his scimitar, readying to attack.

"Interesting." The calamity muttered before striking. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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