"Good night Miles," she smiled, blowing out the lantern.

"Good night Lei'wa," he mumbled, getting cozy in the bed.

Lei'wa had tossed and turned all night, but eventually she was stopped, somehow.

She woke up, her fingers gliding over something soft. She felt warm, protected as she moved her head, her hair brushing against something. She finally looked up, opening her eyes, which immediately widened.

Miles had his arms wrapped around her back tightly, nearly smushing her face into his chest, his leg draped over her own.

Lei'wa screeched, Miles' embrace loosening which sent her rolling on the ground.

Miles woke up with a jolt,"Jesus Christ, are you okay?" He asked, sitting up and looking at her curiously.

"I'm great, yea, what do you mean," she rambled, trying to sound cool, "you don't sound grea-" he was cut off my Lei'wa yelling to no one.

"What's that mama? You need help? I'll be right there!" She called, "duty calls," she laughed awkwardly, nearly running into the wall.

What has gotten into her. Miles stood up, decided to do a simple workout since he now had the time.

He was about 10 minutes in when Lei'wa walked in, "Miles, we only had one of your favorite-" her eyes widened at the sight, her ears going pink.

"Never mind!" She said, running out of the room.

Miles was on the ground confused but continued his workout, paying no mind to the girls behavior.

He finished and sat up, exiting the room and seeing Lei'wa and her mother peeling one of Miles' favorite fruit, "yum!" He exclaimed, reaching out to take a peeled half until Ma'eve smacked his hand away, "Don't touch," she said, giving him a light smile, "patience,"

Miles sat down next to Lei'wa, "so whats the plan for today?" He asked, looking at her.

"Bow skills," she smiled, taking a bite of the fruit and handing him his own piece.

He groaned in annoyance, "To become a warrior you need this skill," she said, patting his back.

He rolled his eyes, "fine," he sighed, finishing off the fruit.

"Lets go," Lei'wa said, seemingly desperate to leave the tent as soon as possible.

"Lei'wa, stay and wait for your father," her mother said, looking at her with a pleading face.

"Maybe later," she shrugged, grabbing her bow and a training bow for Miles to use.

"You can't avoid him forever you know!" Her mother yelled which Lei'wa ignored.

"Come, we'll go to the safe part of the woods,"

The pair stood by a tree, Miles aiming at a fruit that Lei'wa had set up for 'target practice'.

"Your position is all wrong," she sighed, lifting his arm up higher and pushing his legs wider apart with her feet, slapping his stomach to keep his core tight for good measure.

"Great," she analyzed his stance, "shoot." She ordered, watching the arrow fly through the air and glide just past the top of the fruit.

"You're getting better?" She offered as a reason, patting his back, "let me show you," she said, standing behind him she put her hands on his, her chest pressed against his back she guided his movements. He knew he was supposed to focus but all he could think about was the feeling of Lei'wa's hot breath on the back if his neck.

She guided him go release the arrow, the tip landing straight in the middle of the fruit.

"Perfect shot," she said, looking up at him, the tension between them soon became thick, he looked down at her, bringing the bow to his side.

Their eyes flickered from each others eyes to their lips briefly. She wanted to lean in so badly, but resisted the urge, moving away from him and grabbing another arrow.

"Again," she said, trying to find her scattered thoughts, "Alone this time,"

Hey everyone! I've decided that this book with be about 15 - 20 chapters long, I'm sort of speeding up the storyline because I don't want to over plot this fanfic! I will add extra chapters afterwards to show you how Miles and Lei'wa lifes after all the events that occurred!

After this fanfic I will return to writing my Aonung fanfic!

Please follow and vote 💗


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