Stob Her! Stob That Girl!

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As Jin left the stage and came out around the back, he saw you enter another hallway.

He told security, "Stob her! Stob that girl." as he pointed at you.

 Thinking you must have done something wrong, security ran after you.

 Upon hearing Jin yell for them to 'stop that girl,' you became scared and started to run. That just made things worse. Now, security thought for sure you had done something wrong. They caught up to you and grabbed you firmly by the arms. You twist and turn, trying to escape, but their hold tightens.

One demanded, "What did you do?"

 Assuming your guilt, the other asks, "Where is it?" 

You look at him, stunned, asking, "Where is what?" 

He says, "Whatever it is you took that belonged to one of the boys."  

You tell him, "I didn't take anything. What are you talking about?" You continue to try to break free of their hold but to no avail.

 He says, "There is always one who tries to sneak off with something the boys had at the table as a souvenir for themselves."

 Outraged, you say, "I did not take anything!" 

The other man asks, "Then why would he yell for us to stop you, and why did you run?"

You blush and lower your head before answering, "I thought he was upset at me for not letting him sign a song I wrote for him. I gave it to him. I didn't take anything."

Jin comes around the corner and says, "Oh, good, you caught her." He stops to catch his breath. 

One security asks Jin, "What did she do?" 

The other asks, "Should we get one of our female security guards to search her and her purse?"

Shocked, you stare at the man, speechless. 

Jin is just as shocked, then stammers, "What? No, my god, no. She didn't take anything."

They still firmly grip your arms, and Jin said, "Please let her go."

He looks at you. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for anything like this to happen." Both security guards let your arms go, but wait in case Jin needs them.

Jin says, "When I saw you disappear around the corner, I thought I would never be able to find you and my heart felt like it would jump from my chest if I didn't. I'm sorry." 

One of the security men asks, "So everything is alright? We don't need to call the authorities?"

Jin tells them, "No, I'm sorry I yelled like I did, leading you to think she did something wrong. Everything is fine." 

He looks at you and asks 'Are you ok?"  

You tell him, "I'm fine." 

The two security go back to where they were before Jin called out.

Jin and you stand silently, just looking at each other. Then he moves forward, touching your hand. He lifts it and says, "I really am sorry," and softly yet quickly places a kiss on top of it. 

You blush, "It's alright, no real harm done."

You go to pull your hand away to pick your purse up off the floor where security dropped it, but Jin won't let go of your hand. 

You look at him. "What are you doing? Are you holding me here because you really are upset with me?"

Jin lets go of your hand. "No, No, I'm not upset with you." He gestures for you to walk with him and continues speaking. "I just wanted to talk to you about your reply to the moon."

Walking beside him on the way back to the fan sign room, you look up and ask, "What do you want to know?" 

He says, "First, I want you to meet the others, and then we can discuss what you wrote." He hopes Namjoon and Yoongi have read it by now and wants their opinion.

You blush, "Really?" unsure whether it's because he liked it or to let you know he hated it.

 Smiling at you, he says, "Yeah, really."

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