A Night Problem & a Brief Encounter

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Author's Note: 
Just wanted to point out that this story is related "A Frog, 2 Cores, a Chessboard & Late-night Talks" and this chapter takes place before that story. Future chapters will take place around JN103, 104 & 108.

Lumiose City, the capital city of the Kalos region, the city of lights if you will. Home to high fashion, Prism Tower and the Sycamore research lab along with the many people and pokemon that live within the city. But for tonight we turn our attention away from the shining beacon city to the forest that accompanies it, and the frog-ninja that is said to protect it.

Within Lumiose forest, all was calm for now. Until a boom was heard and a cloud of dust could be seen through the trees, for good news, there was no pokemon in that surrounding area. The bad news is that the source of that boom were the remains of the Kalos crisis.

Large vines of 1 or 2 sprang forward towards an unidentified figure which is presumed to be its target. Said moving target though was fast and agile, as they jumped and ran above the vines at such high speeds. It was about to attack one of the two vines until a third one emerged and whacked them away, landing onto the ground and hitting their head on a nearby tree.

"I did not see that one coming", you know him, you know his trainer, you've seen him battle since his first stage of evolution. It's Ash's Greninja and he was rubbing his head and getting back on his feet again.

"But that won't be enough to keep me down", Greninja taunted, despite the vines before him had no verbal way of responding. 

Getting back onto his feet, the ninja-frog got into a runner's position and stared at the vines ahead. Seeing the pattern those vines move at he had a clear path. So he then sprinted forward while dodging the incoming vines. It was successful dodging the first two vines, then there was the third one. Before it could attack Greninja, the ninja frog threw water shurikens at the third vine. Using it as platforms, Greninja jumped higher into the air as he looked to the mass of vines from above.

As he made his descent, the ninja-frog eliminated the vines with a single cut. The white blade that manifested from his right hand shortly disappeared along with the vines behind him.

"There, it's gone", Greninja sighed in relief as he finished taking down the vines for tonight. Plus he was exhausted from earlier helping a group of lost Skiddo-

"This way, the sound came from over here", a voice from not too far away said. And they didn't seem to be alone too. Greninja's eyes widened at the realization.

"Not them again-", but Greninja had little time to complain, as he was about to get moving again they arrived to where he was.

"There it is, that famous Greninja!", this time it was a second voice. A female to be specific. Greninja turned around to face the two people who were clearly behind him and he was right. He did recognized them.

Meet Lisa & Neil, two Ace Trainers from Unova

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Meet Lisa & Neil, two Ace Trainers from Unova. The two of them are twins travelling together from place to place battling strong trainers aiming to be aces at double battles. Greninja encountered the siblings about a month ago as he was on patrol duty. And ever since that encounter, the twins wanted to battle the him ever since.

Greninja sighed in annoyance as he met the twin trainers face to face. Not because he didn't like them, it was because he wanted to turn in for the night. Before the twins could get the chance to call out their pokemon to face Greninja, the aforementioned pokemon slapped the shuriken marks on his thighs, threw what looked to be water smoke bombs that created steam which blinded the twins momentarily.

As the steam cleared, Greninja was gone leaving the two ace trainers baffled. They were this close to getting into a battle with a very strong water starter and they lost it.

"Aww man, it got away again!", Lisa whined in annoyance as her head faced the ground.

"Well look on the bright side, this is the closest we got to engage it in a battle", Neil pointed out the positive.

"Yeah, but we still didn't get to battle it, and it's not like we're out here to catch it either!", that part was true. The twins had no intention whatsoever to catch Greninja.

"Maybe it got spooked when we arrived?", Neil suggested which was immediately met by a laugh from his sister.

"'Scared that it'll be captured by us?' Likely", Lisa continued to laugh at her brother's conclusion. "I can read faces at a glance, and I can tell that Greninja is not worried about trainers like us in the- SLIGHTEST!", Lisa who was still laughing from her brother's statement did not notice she accidentally set one foot into the small crater.

Neil tried to grab onto her but was too late, Lisa tumbled into the crater and landed with the familiar yet humorous "Peter Griffin death pose".

Neil now stood at the edge of the crater calling out, "Sis, are you okay!"

Lisa held out her left hand signalling a thumbs up. "I'm okay", slightly muffled. "And can you call out your Fraxure to get me out of here?"

Unknown to the ace trainer twins. Greninja actually watched the two from a nearby tree. He was glad that the two were unharmed but also sighed at the same time, saying: 

"Those two are really going to get into trouble the more they reach out to me"

Greninja found the twins' persistence annoying but at the same time found their desire to battle him quite endearing, they really reminded him of his trainer. He was right about the reaching out part though, one of these days they're bound to be caught up in the danger that is getting rid of the vines.

Author's Note:
Well this is the start of this Greninja-centered book. Why I started this chapter you may ask? Well I liked the idea of JN108 through the eyes of Greninja so much I wanted to write more to build up on this idea. What a day is like for Greninja dealing with the vines and living in the woods, possible encounters with trainers who want to battle (or catch) the Greninja with a special form. 

So before signing off, I would like to know your feedback. Should I write more original chapters like this? On the plus side that means seeing the ace twins again.

But enough about that, my name is Sandtrooper/Quailbardo and I am signing off for now.

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