Chapter 20: The new age of Niwen

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The trio of spirits looked where Seir could possibly be before Sein felt her presence nearby "Wait... I can feel Seir's presence, but it's slowly fading. We need to hurry!" Sein said growing distressed about her sister "Then lead the way." Ori calmly replied. Sein nodded and led the way to Seir.

They soon found Seir, weak and dim "Glad to see you three are ok. Are any of you hurt?" Seir asked weakly "Don't worry about us, Seir. You're more hurt than us three." Orin replied before Ori looked to him "Are you ready to do this, Orin?" Ori asked. Orin took a deep breath "Ready." he replied and approached Seir.

Orin fell to his knees and picked up Seir "It is time, Orin. It is time to give Niwen its light once again. Do you have anything to say before we go through with this?" Seir said to Orin, who nodded before turning to both Ori and Sein. "I have to thank you two for everything you've done to save this land." He spoke with gratitude "It's nothing, really." Sein replied. "Oh, one more thing. If Lora ever gets reboren, can you tell her that I love her too?" Orin asked, which caught Ori, Sein and Seir off guard for a moment "Of course, Orin. I can guarantee it." Ori replied, assuring Orin.

Orin turned back to Seir "I'm ready." he said as tears freely fell from his eyes as he closed them. "Very well. This is the day that a new age begins for Niwen." Seir stated and begun the merging process as Orin's body was engulfed in Seir's golden glow before a beam of golden light shot into the sky.

Back at the Wellspring glades. The light caught everyone's attention as they watched in awe. One of the observers was Mokk, he was looking at the beam of light while in thought "Have they done it? Has the light returned?" he asked out loud "It seems they have... I haven't seen the light whole in years, centuries even..." Grom, who heard Mokk ask answered him.

Mokk needed to find out if it was true, so he began to quickly make his way to the location of the beam.

Ori and Sein looked on as the beam of light right in front of them started to diminish before it vanished. Both Ori and Sein looked at where both Orin and Seir were as a small patch of green grass replaced them.

Shimmering tears began to swell up in their eyes before freely falling down their faces "We're going to miss you, Orin." Ori spoke with both happiness and sadness as he wrapped an arm around Sein, who began to sob into Ori's fur while Ori looked at the patch of grass with a smile.

The sound of approaching footsteps soon reached the two spirits as Ori turned to the direction of the sound to see Mokk approaching "Mokk? What are you doing here?" Ori asked, his tears still freely falling. "Everyone in the Glades saw a beam of golden light, I wanted to see if you two were successful in bringing back-" Mokk was interrupted by a sudden screech before the two spirits and moki saw Shriek flying to Silent woods.

Shriek flew through the sky to Silent woods before landing on the rough, stone-covered ground before she went under one of the skeletons that had their wings open, almost as if she was being embraced by it before Shriek closed her white coloured eyes.

The three watched Shriek, Mokk felt fear, while Ori and Sein felt sympathy towards Shriek.

Their attention would shift to the patch of grass, however as a sprout soon grew out of the ground "There it is. The new spirit tree of Niwen." Ori spoke with an accomplished smile. "We did it. We were able to grant Kwolok's wish..." Sein told both Ori and Mokk, still weeping a little.

Ori felt fatigue catch up to him as the battle with Shriek had tired him out "That battle has tired me out. It's best if we rest." Ori said with a yawn "Now that you mention it, I am exhausted from the battle as well so that sounds like a great idea." Sein agreed before they began to head back to the Glades.

They made their way back to the Glades with every moki present running up to the spirits "You have brought back the light! You're our heroes!" They said in happiness "It was nothing, really. We just wanted to help." Ori told the moki as both spirits made their way to their hut and entered.

Ori and Sein soon went to their bed and laid down on it "What a day, huh?" Ori said to Sein "Indeed, we pieced Seir back together and saved Niwen. We can now head back to Nibel and see our daughter again." Sein replied happily.

Ori forgot about the boat's destruction "Yeah,about that." Ori said, not knowing how to tell Sein "Is there something wrong?"Sein asked. Ori nodded "It's the boat. It was destroyed during the storm wewere caught in on our way here." Ori told her. Sein couldn't comprehend whatshe just heard "You mean... we're stuck here?!" she quietly shouted. "Sadlyyes, but we could see if Grom could build us a new boat tomorrow." Ori replied"Yeah, we can ask Grom tomorrow. We should rest now." Sein said to Ori, whoagreed with a nod. "Good night, Ori." Sein said "Night, Sein." Ori repliedbefore giving her a kiss and drifting off to sleep.

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