Chapter 19: The fight for Niwen

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The three spirits stared down Shriek as the wind howled around them and Shriek. Ori, Sein and Orin summoned their spirit edges, the glow illuminating the ground around the three and prepared.

Shriek made the first move as she stomped the ground as blue fire travelled around the impact area, causing the three to jump over the flames, which distracted them just long enough for Shriek to spit out three fire-like projectiles at them. The three spirits noticed the projectiles... but it was too late as they were hit and sent back before hitting the ground as their spirit edges vanished.

Shriek flew into the sky planning to land on the three injured spirits. Ori saw the ground under and around them have a purple glow as he felt Shriek's presence approaching rapidly "MOVE!!" Ori yelled as he grabbed Orin and Sein before moving with haste as Shriek landed and opened her beak wide before firing a blue laser at the three. Ori looked back and saw the blue laser rapidly approaching he let go of Sein and Orin and quickly summoned what seemed to be a shield just as Shriek's laser reached them, causing the laser to clash with Ori's shield and causing green sparks to come off the golden shield of light.

Both Orin and Sein were able to recover while Ori was blocking the blue laser that came from Shriek "I don't know how much longer I can hold this laser!" Ori said to the other two as he saw his shield begin to crack.

Sein thought for a moment for what she could do until she remembered that the stone around Shriek's face was broken thanks to Seir so, she shot a spirit flame at Shriek. Sein's flame hit Shriek's face, causing the laser to stop, allowing Ori to catch his breath.

Shriek stumbled back from the sudden spirit flame, creating an opening as the three spirits quickly moved in and used launch to get up to Shriek's face and began slashing with their spirit edges. Shriek soon released a great screech which pushed the three spirits away and forced them to cover their long ears "I think I might go deaf!" Orin yelled before it stopped, allowing the three to release their ears and continue the fight.

While the three Spirits were fighting Shriek, Seir glowed dimly, barely holding on to what strength she had left. "We've come so close to restoring Niwen. Is this really the end?" she asked herself before thinking why she asked such a thing "No this isn't the end of Niwen! Why did I ask such a thing?!" Seir thought.

Seir sensed Ori, Sein and Orin and felt relieved that they were still alive, but something caught her attention... it was Ori's spiritual energy, it was through the roof just like in Mouldwood depths, but it felt different and more powerful "By the light... Ori's spiritual energy feels different and more powerful than before..." she said in awe.

Seir felt her light slowly fade and flicker "I hope they will be quick." she hoped.

Back to the battle. The three spirits dodged and weaved Shriek's attacks and projectiles, with the projectiles being bashed back at Shriek causing her pain. Shriek flew into the air and used her blue laser breath to destroy the ground that the spirits were standing on "Shriek's destroying the ground we're on! Quick run!" Sein quickly told the other two, who nodded in response.

They soon began running, double jumping, launching, and burrowing as the ground around them began to collapse.

They launched onto a piece of the ground that hasn't collapsed before Shriek landed and screeched before beginning to attack the three spirits once more. They dodged all the attacks until something hit them from above, making them look up and seeing blue and violet-coloured fire-like rain coming from the sky "Whatever this is, we need to dodge it!" Ori told Sein and Orin, who nodded, agreeing with Ori.

The rain stopped allowing the three spirits to quickly approach Shriek, who now had marks along her face on where she was struck with the three's spirit edges. The spirits began to slash Shriek with their spirit edges once more before Ori changed his to the hammer and swung it, hitting Shriek and sending her back a little before Ori threw the spear as it exploded in Shriek's face.

It was then that Shriek couldn't take it any longer as she flew up and began to swoop at the three, with them effortlessly dodging before Shriek began destroying the ground again, but this time... there was nowhere to run to.

The three spirits looked around distressed only to see that there was nowhere to run "There's nowhere to go!" Orin spoke clearly distressed "We can see that!" Ori replied before the same rain began to fall once more. Ori soon got an idea "Maybe we can bash off these?!" he said to Sein and Orin "Worth a shot!" Sein replied and tried to bash, which to the three's surprise, they could so they bashed the strange rain as the ground finally collapsed.

Seir, while weakened, could still see and sense what was happening to the three spirits. She was able to see Ori, Sein and Orin bashing off the strange rain as Shriek flew near them and began to spit her projectiles. "Please be safe." She thought as she watched on as the battle continued.

Ori, Sein and Orin were bashing the rain of fire while dodging Shriek's projectiles "I don't know how long we can keep dodging like this!" Sein said to Ori and Orin. "We need to bring her down! But how?!" Orin asked half to himself before he was hit and began to fall, he used launch, but it wasn't enough as he couldn't bash off anything and fell to the ground below "ORIN!!" both Ori and Sein screamed out in unison.

Ori felt unbelievable anger towards Shriek even more than what she did to Seir as Ori's paw's combusted like they did back in Nibel. Ori bashed towards Shriek without thinking and began to slash with his spirit edge once he was in range before changing it to the hammer and swinging wildly and launched away to summon the spear; Ori threw the spear at Shriek, hitting her directly and exploding. But he wasn't done as his pupils flashed gold as the area around Shriek was engulfed in a spiral of golden flames, burning her.

Ori soon used one of the fire rain droplets to bash back to Shriek with a fully powered charge flame ready.

Once he reached her, he held the charge flame out "THIS IS FOR ORIN!!" Ori screamed before letting the energy go and it exploded in Shriek's face. The night sky was lit up in golden light, so bright that even some of the residences of the Wellspring glades could see it as they were in awe at what they saw.

Shriek went flying and crash landed into the ground, which stopped the rain of fire and ending the battle.

Ori and Sein used Kuro's feather to glide safely to the ground and imminently rushed to Orin's side "Orin! Are you ok?!" Sein asked worriedly "Could be better." Orin replied as Ori approached him.

Ori soon held out his paw as it began glowing with golden light before it changed to green as it soon entered Orin's body, healing him. Orin felt a lot better "Did you just use regenerate on me?" he asked Ori as he got to his hooves "Yeah. The most important thing is that we won the battle." Ori replied with pride.

Orin felt a big smile creep onto his face "That's great! We just need to find Seir!" he happily said to Ori and Sein "Well, what are we waiting for? Come on!" Sein replied and the three went to look for Seir.

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