I'll Cover You

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Knowing that Eda, and her family, were coming to the camp, Raine was acting a little off, they were nervous about seeing Eda again, they did talk with the BATs but that was business, and now it was... unstructured. It actually got to the point where Darius noticed and told Rain that they were too old to be acting like a teen with a crush.

While happy to see each other, the first thing she worries about Luz. not letting anything distract her from this mission. Luz was definitely her kid even if she in her typical Eda fashion wouldn't say so. it was established that she was safe and on her way. Let Raine give the tour, and introduced them to the camp, and how they were the CATs. That caused Lilith to explode into laughter and brought a smile to Eda's face, oh she missed their goofy humor. During the whole Darius pleaded with them not to call them the CATs, he found it childish and embarrassing.

Once introductions were over. Eda finally had Raine to herself, despite being within earshot of the rest of the CATs. "I don't know what I'm going to do Rainestorm. I lost everything except my family."

Not knowing exactly what to say, they sang. It was a song from a musical that Eda actually found in a pile of human trash, back when they were dating.

"Live in my

House I'll be your shelter

Just pay me back

With one thousand kisses

Be my lover

And I'll cover you"

When they started singing, Darius groaned and put a hand to his head, "Oh titan please tell me Raine's going to sing," he let out a long exasperated sigh. "Oh, it's not just Raine who's gonna sing! It's a duet so Eda's going to sing too! But Raine was never willing to sing this song with anyone before," Amber added.

Eda only missed a beat or two. Eda happily started the next verse knowing what it meant. Raine still loved her. This was their song.

"Open your door

I'll be your tenant

Don't got much baggage to lay at your feet

But sweet kisses I've got to spare

I'll be there and I'll cover you"

She sang, extending a hand which they took.

"I think they meant it

When they said you can't buy love

Now I know you can rent it

A new lease, you are my love

On life, be my life

Just slip me on

I'll be your blanket

Wherever, whatever

I'll be your coat"

They were smiling and singing as they continued almost allowing themselves to pretend the fate of the boiling Isles was not hanging in the balance, Raine sang.

"You'll be my king

And I'll be your castle"

It was Eda's turn

"No, you'll be my quing

And I'll be your moat"

They both smiled at how Eda mashed the words "king" and "queen" together, Raine never asked for that, they never asked anyone to change gendered song lyrics, but Eda knew when something bothered their partner. Now, it was just the two of them now singing this duet like they've done countless times. Their voices merged with practiced ease as they continued.

"I think they meant it

When they said you can't buy love

Now I know you can rent it

A new lease, you are my love

On life, all my life"

Completely lost in the song they alternated lines starting with Eda.

So, with a thousand sweet kisses

If you're cold and you're lonely

I'll cover you

With a thousand sweet kisses

You've got one nickel only

I'll cover you

With a thousand sweet kisses

When you're worn out and tired

I'll cover you

With a thousand sweet kisses

When your heart has expired

I'll cover you

They sang the last verse together, both pulling the other close.

"Oh, lover

I'll cover you

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Oh, lover

I'll cover you"

And then they shared one of those promised sweet kisses in front of the whole camp. It was only when some started cheering, that they remembered where they were. Raine turned bright red and pushed themselves against Eda, who while also embarrassed, laughed it off while holding their new/old partner tight. She gently rubbed circles on their back, something she knew helped calm them down.


EVENTUALLY, there will be a raeda fic of them going through the RENT soundtrack it just might take a while.

I hope you enjoyed!

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