Part 4: Exclusive Insight into Katara and Aang's Morning Before Finding Out

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Katara woke up early that day. There was a slight chill in the air, darkness still looming outside. A strong arm rested around her waist, holding her close to the love of her life. She loved mornings like this. When the world was still and she could enjoy its gifts. Like the little baby resting an arm's reach away from her, cooing in its sleep with the same smile Aang has when he's dreaming. Or the little vase filled with dandelions, the petals of which danced in the breeze and brightened the otherwise bland room. Sokka had brought them over last night, and presented them to his sister with that signature flare of his. The big bow he wrapped around the pitiful bouquet cleverly hid a little compartment which, the moment Katara reached for it, splashed water all over her face.

Beaming at his remarkable feat of deception, Sokka roared with laughter while Aang folded, grasping his stomach and giggling uncontrollably. Don't worry though, Katara got them back good. Aang's clothes still smelled like toilet water.

Lost in thought, Katara was brought back down to earth when the body next to hers stirred and a warm breath brushed her neck, sending electricity down her spine. Moments later, lips rested briefly below her ear and a smile stretched across her face.

"Good morning," said a voice as light as air. "How did you sleep?"

Katara's body, almost reflexively, turned around to meet a pair of kind, silver eyes. "Not that well," she admitted. "I'm too excited." A warm hand cupped her face and pulled her in for a quick kiss on the forehead.

"I know, I am too. I know it's only been a few months but I miss everyone so much. I can't wait to be with them all in the same room again."

"I just hope Sokka doesn't bring any more of those 'surprise' bouquets."

"Oh," came a soft chuckle, "after what happened last night? I doubt he'd risk it with you being in the same room."

"That reminds me, you really should take a shower before we head over to the Jasmine Dragon," said Katara, unable to hide the grin emerging on her face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry dear, was it too troubling for you to sleep with a smelly monster like me?" Oh no, she thought. That's his you-better-watch-out voice. "Perhaps if you found yourself in a similar situation the smell wouldn't bother you as much..." Before Aang could even raise his hand to bend the remaining toilet water out of his clothes, Katara jumped on top of him and rolled off the bed.

"Don't. Even. Think about it." She glared at him with a stern eye and pointed finger. The next thing she knew Aang was next to her, one arm on her waist and the other on her chin. Lifting her chin up slowly to make their eyes meet, he brought his lips down to hers and softly whispered, "I wouldn't dream of it."

Right then a small cry came from the other side of the room. "Right on schedule," sighed Katara.

"Don't worry, I've got this. You go get ready, we should head over to the tea shop soon anyway."

As Katara made her way to the bathroom, Aang bent down and reached for the restless baby making a fuss in his crib.

"Good morning, Bumi, how are you this fine morning?" Chuckled Aang as he reached for the baby's bottle. "You know, we're in the Earth Kingdom now, in the great city of Ba Sing Se. The man you were named after was from this kingdom, too! I wish you got to meet him. I can already tell you're going to be just as lively as he was."

As Aang looked outside his window at the bustling city below, he continued talking to the now peaceful baby in his arms. "Today you're going to meet a lot of really special people. You've already met your Uncle Sokka, but this time his girlfriend Suki will be there, too! And Toph and Zuko and Uncle Iroh are coming as well. Oh! I can't wait. I just know they're going to adore you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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