Part 11 - Funeral Pt. 2

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Ty's POV:
I had just dressed Lyndy in the black dress that Lisa had bought for her yesterday. It was knee-length had lace sleeves that covered most of her hand because it was it was a little bit big. Katie had tied her hair into two ponytails while I changed into my suit. It was black and and I wore a white shirt. The funeral started in two hours, and I was not ready for it. I sat on my bed and punched the pillow while crying. "I miss you Amy, I miss you so much... How can I raise our daughter without you? I can't do it." I said, the tears streaming down my face. I sniffed and wiped my eyes but it didn't help. Someone knocked on the door and opened it. Lou stood in the doorway, her dress ending just below her knees with elbow length sleeves. She walked in and hugged me. "This is going to be so hard Ty, and I want you to know that you'll have our support in everything you do. You can stay here for as long as you want, as long as you need. We're going to be here for you." She said, rubbing my back. I nodded and squeezed her tight. "Thank you Lou...Thank you." I said. She nodded and stood up. "Mallory want to know what she should do with Spartan." Lou says as she wipes her eyes. I nod, thinking for a second. "All she has to do is groom him for now. I'll hook up the harness in about an hour." I say. Katie had an amazing idea to get Amy to the family cemetery; we would hook up a cart to Spartan, a nice and freshly painted one, and we would place her in it. Then, everyone who can ride, mainly the family, will ride out to the cemetery and from there, me, Jack, Tim, Caleb, Shane and Lou would carry her coffin to her plot, and then we would lower her to the ground. Katie came up with a beautiful idea that I know Amy would have loved. I took a deep breath and stood up, waking into the living. Amy came home two days ago, we had the wake yesterday and the funeral is today. I walked up to her and held her hand. Tears pour down my face as I kissed her hand. "I love you." I whispered, knowing this would most likely be the last time I seen her, alone. My sobs shook my whole frame as I collapsed into a mess on the ground. I couldn't do this, I couldn't live without her. Amy was my life, and today I would read her eulogy here. Instead of lying together on her hospital bed, discussing what we should do when she gets out of the hospital. I punched the floor, my hand aching as soon as I did it. I shook my head and cried. I cried until I was empty and tired. I wanted to curl up in a ball and hide from the disappointment that the world contained. Life was never going to be okay again, no matter how much time passed, I think we all knew it too.
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It was my turn to read at the funeral. Lyndy stood next to Lou as I walked up behind the now closed coffin. "Amy was... the single most amazing woman I have ever met. She was the love of my life, and I didn't tell her that enough. My life if full of regrets, as is everyone's, but my biggest regret is not letting her know that she was the only person I have have ever loved like this." I said, tears streaming down my face as I touched the fire place behind me. "Me and Amy got married here, in this very spot. We promised to part at death, and boy, do I wish that we had more years before parting. I wish I had told her that my biggest regret was when I thought she didn't love me anymore. I called off our engagement because Ahmed had got into my head. I wish I didn't. I should have seen past his petty comments. I wasted a lot of time... not being with her..." I took a deep breath. "Where ever you are now, Amy, whether it be in heaven or oblivion, I want to tell you, one last time, that I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I know you wouldn't want me to pause the rest of my life to grieve for you but I am. I will grieve for the rest of my life and beyond, because this pain will never end. I love you Amy, and I will never stop loving you. Even though we should have more years together, I will cherish the time that we did have together, and I hope you do too, wherever you are now." I finished, my face drowned and my heart aching to hear her voice again. I nodded at Jack and Tim and we all flocked around the coffin and lifted it, me and Jack in the front, Caleb and Tim behind us and Shane and Lou at the back. We lifted her onto the cart and we all mounted our horses. I lead Spartan as I rode Harley down a pathway towards the cemetery. Once there, we lowered her into the ground. I could hear Lyndy crying so I went over to her and lifted her up. We all said a silent prayer before the hole was filled and Tim said the planned announcement. "Thank you everyone who came out here to give Amy the send off she deserved, we ask that you come back to the ranch only to collect cars and trucks. We aren't going to meet up afterwards, we need time to grieve as a family. Thank you for respecting our privacy." He said, nodding before heading towards Champ. "Do you want to ride with me back to the house Sweetheart?" I asked Lyndy as I made my way to Harley. Lyndy nodded. She had quietened down in the last few days, and I didn't blame her. "Okay." I whispered, kissing her forehead. "I love you Daddy." She said. I blinked back tears as I whispered, "I love you too Lyndy."

Author's Note:
I'm so sorry if that wasn't the best but I was only at a family member's funeral a while ago and the pain is still kind of fresh so it was slightly harder to write then normal. Thank you so much for reading and please do comment if you want to see any scenes in particular, or just to give me any advice you might have. Thanks for reading 🫶

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