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"One more touch and your done." Said Mae putting down the brush and held up the mirror to Lien. She saw no change in her face with the makeup on only sadness and felt sympathy for her. A knocked made them turn their heads seeing Taki standing in the door way. "Hes waiting for you." Said Taki. Lien slowly stood up following down the stairs going through many halls towards the gates where Shen sat on his seat looking at her. She walked down the steps towards the kings chair getting lifted up by her feet by the gorillas on each side taking her place to Shen. "Beautiful as always. Let get a move on." Said Shen as the gorillas lifted the kings chair marching to the docks. Lien saw the five chained together being raised up and can see how sad they were. Lowering the chair Shen held up his hand for Lien to take using the gorillas hands as stairs to get on the large ship. They walked up to their places viewing the city and everyone looking at the ships setting sail over the clear night sky showing the stars. "Its the Huang Bird. What is she doing next to Lord Shen?" Said a bunny close by for Lien to hear. "Is she going to actually marry him?" Said another bunny until a wolf growled at them. Lien looked at them with guilt spreading across her face but straighten herself as Shen grabbed her hand in a comforting way before placing a soft kiss on her cheek not to ruin her makeup. "Citizens of Gongmen City. As of now you are to witness a great ceremony of your beloved Huang Bird. For she and i shall wed as Emperor and Empress with no warriors to stop this opportunity. Anyone who is stupid enough to interfere will be punished by death." Shen announced. He then turned to the priest who was shaking nervously by the way he was holding his book and scroll. Thunder rumbling. Lien glanced up seeing the clouds suddenly forming but heard Shen clear his throat to get her to look at him. "We are gathered here tonight to join two souls. Lord Shen and Lien as there is no one sadly to stop this." Said the pig. Thunder rumbling with the clouds being lowered. 'Whats happening?' Lien thought trying to look through the clouds. "Lien, what do you think you're doing?!" Sais Shen looking around to see her. Lien listen carefully as everyone was talking and shouting then heard someone running towards her and was carried off the ship. "Let go of me." Said Lien trying shove the figure off. She looked at their face to see those familiar golden eyes then heard shouting. "Find her now!" Said Shen once the clouds cleared. "What are we gonna do now?" Said Lien seeing that they were in alley not far from the docks. "Stopping Shen like we are supposed to. Well mostly Po." Said the figure. "Tai Lung?" Said Lien recognizing that voice. She pulled up his mask to show his human face making her gasped quietly. "But how are y-" "We can talk about this later. Now we need to free the five before Shifu and the masters come." Said Tai Lung looking over his shoulder to the docks. "Your right. Im just glad your okay and Po." Said Lien then looked up to see a wolf spotting them from the roof. "Hey g-" A sudden blast of water hit the wolf knocking him down into a fruit stand. As Tai Lung smiled looking at Lien putting her hands down to adjust her sash tied around tightly around her waist. "Your missing something Lien." Said Tai Lung. "What are you talking about?" Said Lien looking up at him. Tai Lung pulled out Lien's other half of her necklace from his shirt and placed it around her neck. "Thanks." Said Lien then heard a loud explosion.

They both looked over to the docks to see that one of the bridges were destroyed by the canons. "Come out my Huang Bird. Im done playing games with you." Said Shen looking around before seeing the wolf still in the fruit stands knocked out cold. "Go wake him up and keep a close on Lien. She's useless without her gift so show her no mercy but keep her alive." Said Shen. Tai Lung growled then felt Lien touch his arm to calm him down and pulled his mask down. "Go on the other side and wait for my signal." He whispered before using the shadows in alley to disappear. Lien looked around seeing the ships are moving again amd went to further away from the docks before facing it. She breathed in and out lifting her skirt up with one hand and waved a dust of strong winds to carry herself high above the ships using the faint clouds to keep her hidden and slide against the roof tiles without making a sound. Tigress turned her head to where Lien landed and saw her peek her head over the roof beam for a moment before ducking down. She looked around to see anyone else and saw a shadow zoom past the alley as one of the five spoke sadly. "I never imagined my life would end lile this. Wouldve settle down, met a nice girl, and have her eat my head off." Said Mantis. "Dont give up guys. We still have Lien and Raz to help us." Said Viper. "She's right. We need to be head strong. Hardcore right Tigress." Said Monkey. Lien slid down the roof peering around the building seeing Tai Lung who raised his hands up to chest in a prayer as Lien copied his movements as the water started to rise up a few waves until Lien stopped to see another figure far away on the roof as everyone saw the figure too.

"Po." Said Lien then heard him trying to shout something. She looked at Tai Lung shook his head slowly as no one can make out what Po is saying until Po throw his straw hat that fell and hit the roofs landing on the ground. Shen then ordered his henchmen to fire at Po until one of wolves screamed in pain. He looked at him annoyed to see the wolf's hand was hit by a golden and red hair pin. Lien shook her hair out her half up do and took a near by bamboo stick to fight off the wolves charging at her. She dodged their swords and stomped her foot to the ground lifting the bricks up in the air as Tai Lung jumped over her to bend their metal swords and used it as whip. "Impressive on your gift." Said Lien high kicking a gorilla in the face. "I had practice in a short amount of time." Said Tai Lung. He then grabbed Lien's hands to swing her at a group of wolves kicking them into the water with each turn they swung their bodies. "Lien use the water to push the boats back." Said Shifu before fighting along with Ox and Croc. "Ready for this?" Said Lien facing Tai Lung. He lifted his mask above his lips to peck Lien sweetly brushing her hair back from her face. "Are you?" Said Tai Lung as Lien pulled his mask down. They got on each side with the bridge rising their arms up to the sky creating a wall from the water as Lien blew cold air towards it to make it freeze. "Enough!" Said Shen aiming a canon at Po and another at Raz by a wolf. Lien quickly ran over to Tai Lung shoving him out of the way but he didnt move and held her close as the fireball hit them and Po at the same time causing everything to explode into the waters. For a fe moments the citizens edges near the waters seeing the ruined parts of the ships floating with the five, three masters, and Po who looked around for Lien and Raz. Splash. Gasped. Coughing. Lien rose above the waters with Tai Lung closing her up and swam their bodies to the docks. She moaned in pain as her body was in deep pain with any movement she made. Looking at the ruins Shen glared at her and Tai Lung being close but his attention is now targeting on Po who climbed onto the broken piece of the boat doing a Tai chi stance facing him. "We have to help him." Said Lien trying to move the water but groaned in pain as Tai Lung sat on the docks pulling Lien out of the water laying her down with her head on his lap. "We did what we can. Now its all to Po." Said Tai Lung then glances at Shifu who was looking at the two but mostly at him. Lien felt her body was drained as her eyes closed seeing the canons being at Po. Again. Again. Again until her head started spinning at let her eyes shut once more seeing Po move the last canon ball towards Shen's ship. 

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