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It has been a year since Lien and Po were chosen as the Dragon Warrior and the Huang Bird. Everyone inside the valley were over joyed for the news even when Lien was the only human master. Through the fights with the criminals in the valley she and the others in the Jade Palace never figured out who was the figure was joining in and disappeared the moment the fight is over. Then there were times Lien caught a glimpse of him watching her during training or meditating and knew he was mute or just refusing to talk. Lien was now with the five watching Po shoving how many bean buns he can fit in his mouth. She smiled hearing the boys encouraging him to keep going while she was reading a scroll from the temple. "How is he even doing this?" Said Viper looking at Lien. "No idea. He once ate my order of Vegan Zhiu zhou dumplings on my birthday." Said Lien playfully glaring at him. "33." Said Crane as Mantis gave po another bean bun. "He cant make it to 34." Said Monkey. "My money is on 40." Said Lien. "Your on." Said Monkey. Lien laughed as Po kept going by moving his mouth around to fit more and saw a shadow pass the window in a blink of an eye. She closed her scroll walking out while the five were continuing their game. Searching for the shadow she spotted movement in one of the trees looking up. There standing on the high branch stood the male figure leaning against the base of the tree with his arms and ankles crossed looking at her. "Raaz, here for more training again?" Said Lien seeing him jump down. 'Yes. I wanted to see your improvement from our last fight.' He signed with his paws. "Alright on top of the mountain?" Said Lien. 'Like always.' Raaz signed as Lien sunk them down into the earth and come back to a tall grass field that covered the edge of the mountain above the falls where Shifu was. Before Lien was ready she hand blocked Raaz's punches and dodging his kicks. She felt her left hand grabbed and flipped over to land on her back. But Lien planted her feet firmly and wrapped her hand around his wrist pulling his arm behind his back. Raaz used his other arm to grab her shirt pulling her off of him and suddenly heard something. "What?" Said Lien loosening her grip. Raaz let her go and stood there to listen as Lien kneeled to down to feel anything. "Wolves?" Said Lien making her staff appear from the ground. "Need a lift?" She asked looking at Raaz. 'Im better on foot.' Said Raaz before taking off on all fours.

Lien activated her gliders and jumped over the edge with Raaz still running, jumping, and flipping quickly onto the side of the mountains following behind with the five and Po. She held on feeling the wind catch her and soared down above Crane going to the small bunny village. Raaz landed in the trees first before the others joined him to stand in front of the wolves who stealing metal. He stood straight narrowing his eyes at them before taking a quick glance at Lien slipping her mask on. Lien and the group charged fighting against the wolves while protecting the villagers. Lien dodged a swing of the sword from the wolf member and saw a tea kettle above a bonfire. She bent the water out spreading it into droplets forming it into icicles and shot them close to the wolves without killing them. Raaz punched a wolf behind him without looking and kicked him towards another member that Po was fighting with. He saw two wolves coming at him on the sides and split kicked them before throwing one at a different wolf taking the guitars. Lien used the water and slides on it gathering the kids and brought them to the family before creating a barrier made from the stones. She then saw a pig trapped in a bell being pushing off a cliff without seeing the leader charging at her with a dagger. Raaz sees this and kicked a stir fry pan in the air and hit it towards Lien. Lien saw the shadow of the wolf leader making a stab motion to her stomach causing her freeze up until the pan hit his paw towards the ribbon of her mask. "Lien!" Said Monkey seeing Lien on the ground holding her face. He ran over to her side helping her up and pushed her hair back. "What happened?" Said Monkey seeing her scared expression. "A Human?! I thought they died centuries ago." Said the wolf holding the bell seeing Lien's face. "Get all the metal. Go." Said The wolf boss seeing her along with the members before running off. Po went after him but froze up like Lien did as the Boss swung his hammer across his face. "Po!" Said Tigress as he fell back and lands on her. Raaz went over to Lien seeing her breathing too fast like she couldn't breathe then sent a deadly glare at the bandits leaving with the metal.

"Whats wrong with you two? Lien? Lien?" Said Tigress after pushing Po off of her. She went over seeing Lien still breathing fast until Raaz touched her shoulder making her flinch. "Are you okay? What happened?" Said Tigress concerned. "I think i need some for myself." Said Lien grabbing her staff from the Bunny guitar player. She jumped off the climb and flew off disappearing into the clouds. "Do y-" Tigress stopped to see Raaz was no where to be seen and looked at Po before helping the villagers with the others. Po looked down and turned back where Lien left before going to the barrier and kicked it to the side making it break around the Bunnies without anyone getting hurt. Lien flew back to the temple seeing Hue sweeping the floors. "Hue, can i be alone in here? I really need to clear my mind off of something." Sais Lien. "Of course." Said Hue before walking out. Lien placed down her staff on the ground and dropped to her knees as the door slammed shut and the candles lit up. She steadied her breathing once her head bowed to the floor feeling her hair fall cover her face and tears running down to her chin. Raaz jumped onto the rail on the temples windows looking down at Lien and heard Shifu talking Hue. He looked to where they were and sat down to watch Lien doing her lesson on Inner Peace as she has done before. 

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