She couldn't get the thought, that one of their own had done this to Logan, out of her head she busied herself around the drop ship. She occasionally checked up on him, fearing his wounds may become infected.

Climbing the ladder to the second floor, Clarke was stopped as she was about to lift open the hatchet.

"Is Logan going to wake up?" A small voice asked and Clarke noticing three children stood at the entrance of the drop ship. She had noticed them lingering around ever now and then, learning their names from Bellamy who had taken a liking to the three.

"By the looks of it, i think he might." Clarke replied, giving a small but genuine smile.

She noticed that while Amara and Atlis seemed to relax at the news, Charlotte seemed to tense up.
She thought about questioning her but quickly shook the suspicion away, no way a small girl like her could do much damage.

"I'll make sure you three are the first to know when he does." Amara nodded before walking away, her friends following.

Though as Clarke was about the attempt to open the hatch again, she was interrupted a second time.

"Clarke, you might want to see this." Bellamy looked panicked which worried Clarke more than it should have.

( — )

"This knife was made of metal from the dropship." Clarke observed, staring down at the blade covered in blood, Logan's blood.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked from his spot inbetween Oliver and Octavia, the three being the people who found the knife.

"Who else knows about this?" She demanded, ignoring the question.

"No one. We brought it straight here." Octavia shared a look with Oliver.

"Clarke?" Jasper asked again, waiting for an answer about his previous question.

"It means the Grounders didnt attack Logan. It was one of us." Clarkes voice was one full of anger, she was angry that her suspicions were correct.

"So, there's an attempted murderer in the camp?" Oliver whispered harshly, his face struck with fear.

"There's more than one murderer in this camp. This isn't news. We need to keep it quiet." Bellamy ordered, though he tried to keep his anger hidden.

Clarke ignored him, trying to storm past him before an arm struck out before her.

"Get out of my way, Bellamy." Clarkes hands shook with anger as she held the blade tightly in her palm.

"Clarke, be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved... the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the Grounders tried to kill Logan is good for us." Bellamy tried to reason, he was angry about this whole situation aswell, he was just better at hiding. He wasn't sure why but the thought of someone attacking Logan made his stomach swell with pure rage.

"Oh, good for you, you mean. What... keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it?" Clarke looked to Oliver who seemed to agree with her and she knew if Wells wasn't guarding Logan, he would too.

"Yeah. That's it. But it's good for all of us. Fear of the Grounders is building that wall. And besides, what are you gonna do... just walk out there and ask the killer to step forward? You don't even know whose knife that is." Bellamy rolled his eyes, glaring down at the blonde. All she seemed to do was cause problems for him.

"Oh, really? J.M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know."
Bellamy recoiled, taking a step back long enough for Clarke to slip out of the tent, a angry Oliver hot on her tails.

Bellamy, Jasper and Octavia shared a look before following aswell. They all knew this wasn't going to end well.

( — )

Wells sat against the ladder of the drop ship, head lulled to the side as she tried to fight the sleep threatening to overcome him.

Amara, Charlotte and Atlas sat upstairs with Logan, Wells thought it was the safest seeing as the three were harmless. Also the fact that someone had to be there for Logan when he woke up, if he woke up.

Shaking that thought, Wells decided now would be a good time to check on Logan. Opening the hatch to the second floor, he climbed inside. Startling Atlas and Amara who sat at Logan's side, Charlotte sat sleeping in the corner.

"How's Logan doing?" Though he already knew the answer.

"The same as the last five hundred times you asked." Amara sassed, placing her face in the palm of her hand.

Wells rolled his eyes but as he went to sass the little girl back, loud chanting could be heard from the clearing outside. It was loud enough to startle Charlotte awake, who looked confused as Amara, Atlas and Wells climbed down to the first floor yet she followed anyways. They were eager to find out what was going on.

The chants got louder and louder as they approached the clearing and they could make out Bellamy's name.

"Bellamy, Bellamy!" The hundred chanted eagerly.

Skidding to a stop beside Octavia, Wells gasped in disbelief as he watched Bellamy kick a box from under John Murphy, hanging him.
Most people cheered, it made Wells feel physically unwell.

"What the hell are you doing." Wells yelled over the cheers, the only people being able to make out what he said being Octavia, Oliver and Jasper.

"It was him, John, he attacked Logan." A chill tan down Wells spine as Oliver spoke, his fists clenched and for a moment he took enjoyment in watching John hand.
Struggling like a fish out of water to get free.

Clarke and Bellamy seemed to be arguing in the middle of all the chaos and just as Wells was about to involve himself, a small voice rung throughout the clearing.

"Murphy didn't attack Logan! I did." Charlottes statement caused everyone to pause before Clarke trapped a hatchet, letting Murphy free.

All eyes were on Charlotte who breathed heavily under all the attention, Amara and Atlas seemed to physically recoil in disgust before making their way to Bellamy's side.
Wells had never seen such hurt and disbelief until he noticed the way Amara stared at Charlotte.

It was silent for a moment, everyone trying to digest the information as Murphy spluttered on the ground, trying to catch his breathe.

"You little shit!" Murphy wheezed, finally regaining his breathe.

That was all it took for Bellamy to grab Charlotte roughly and drag her into the nearest tent, everyone else following.

And as the camp resided into full chaos, Logan Quinn woke with a startled gasp.

( mckenzie speaks )
i'm not dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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