Chapter 2

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- You have to go Aaron! said Rossi

It had made 2 whole days that Rossi was trying to convince Hotch to go to the 2years anniversary party of Emily. The BAU usually only goes out for the first year of each member, but last year, they were on a case and came back in no mood to party. Three kids under 10 had died before they could arrest the culprit.

It made two weeks that Aaron had moved out, Jack had been informed of the situation, but he was too young to really understand what was happening. Two days ago, Hotch and his ex-wife had met and discussed custody. They agreed easily that Jack would stay at his mom because of his dad jobs but Aaron could come see him and take him when he wanted. Haley didn't want her son to not have a dad because of her. She knew that Jack helped his father emotional specially after difficult cases. They had also talked about their relationship. Both of them knew that they would always love the other no matter what. Talking about their relationship led to talk about future relationship. For the sake of their son, when a relation turned serious, they had to tell the other. The partner had to meet the ex before meeting Jack. The divorce paper had arrived last week in front of the whole team. Hotch couldn't hide the divorce, but he made sur to not talk about it even with Rossi. Truth be told, he was devasted. Losing Haley was something that hurt him, he had to erase decades of love and desire. So, he really wasn't in the mood to celebrate anything.

- Dave, we talked about this...

Both of the agents were in the boss' office.

- I know we did but Aaron come on. We are talking about the team here. You have almost the same age as Emily and Morgan, and you act like you are older than me.

- I'm going through a divorce.

Aaron was talking while signing documents. He wasn't looking at Rossi but could only guess that the older man was watching him with a sad smile.

- I went through three of those and it doesn't stop me from going to the bar and celebrate with my friends.

Hotch looked up and only nodded before going back to his work.

- Does that mean that you are coming? asks Rossi

- Yes. Now get out of my office

David smiled and left. He felt bad for his friend. He knew that Haley mattered a lot to Aaron, and he hated seeing him like this. But this divorce was the best thing for everyone including Jack. When Rossi left Hotch's office he went to the other Agents and confirmed that their dear friend would be joining them tomorrow night which made everyone smile, Prentiss a little bit more than the others maybe. Now they only had to pray not to receive any case.

Thankfully they didn't get any case. It was Friday night and almost midnight. The whole team was around a table. Morgan and Prentiss had drunk a lot but where the one that held the alcohol the best, JJ and Penelope were the drunkest. Rossi hadn't drunk a lot of whiskey and Hotch had sticked with beer the whole night and was still at his first bottle. Reid was the only one that had only drank coke the whole night.

- Hotch, are you really only going to drink one bottle? asked Morgan

- Yep, responded Hotchner with a little smile

The girls were talking about a movie, but Reid and Rossi were listening to the conversation of their co-workers.

- Come on man, enjoy a bit.

Hotch let a little chuckle escape his lips before explaining to his friend that he didn't want to get drunk today. The girls had finished their conversation and were listening when Reid stepped in:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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