Chapter 1

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- Aaron, you can't do...

Ring, Ring, Ring

Haley's phone rang before she could even finish her sentence. It was 10 pm and Hotch was on the couch going over the report of Reid on their last case. It had made three hours that he was back, and it was already the fifth argument Haley had started. At that point he wasn't even listening to her anymore. But the phone is the reason he looked at Haley and began to actually be interested in the situation because it wasn't the first time that Haley's phone rang late at night or during a fight. With time, she had managed to show less and less her emotions, her panic. But it was Aaron's wife, he knew her, and he also was the Unit Chief of the BAU at the FBI. His job was to find, most of the time, serial killers by studying their behaviour and their victims. It wasn't hard to profile Haley: when the phone rang, she closed her eyes for a split second and then looked at Hotch in the eyes. But her hand began to slightly shake without her even noticing. But Aaron Hotchner did. It wasn't' the first time nor the last time that this scene would happen at their house, but Hotch didn't do anything about it. Instead, he stood up, took the files he had to work on, and while going to the office he heard the phone ring a second time. Without turning around, he said to the mother of his four-year-old son:

-It must be important if they call you at 10. You should answer.

And before Haley could said anything, Aaron locked himself in his office. He sat and looked at the picture of the Hotchner Family that was taken when Jack, his son, was one. It was on his desk ever since it was taken. He looked at his wife, she was laughing and seemed so happy. How could their relationship have changed like that? Haley and he had met in high school and Hotch had done everything in his power so that she could notice him. He had participated to drama classes for her. They had dated for a while but broke up when Hotch received his law degree. It is when he went to work in Seattle where his future wife was also working that they started to date again, and Haley moved in Virginia with Aaron. If anyone would have told them that their marriage would most likely end in a divorce, they would have laughed at their face. But here they were, fighting all the time and their marriage was sinking. Hotch tried to work but he couldn't. He didn't understand one word of what Reid had written and it was driving him nuts. Aaron knew himself to well to believe that he would manage to sleep now. He had to wake up at 5 tomorrow if he and his team were lucky enough to not have any case. Instead of going upstairs to the guest room that had slowly turned into his room, he took his go bag that was in the office and left the house. He knew that he had one or two work-out clothes and he decided to go to the gym. He usually would leave for a run but today was not the day to run outside. It was too late and too cold.

When he arrived at the gym reserved to FBI agents, it was already past 11 pm. He went in, changed his clothes, and started with cardio. Even when he felt his heart being ripped from his chest he continued.

- Hey man, are you trying to die?

When Hotch turned around, he saw Derek Morgan. Derek was sweating and it seemed like he had been here for the past two hours.

- What are you doing here? Asked Hotch while stopping the machine, he could barely talk

- I was about to head home, responded Morgan, but I should be the one asking this question? I never saw you here.

Hotch noticed that Derek was trying to profile him. He had seen him do that to a numerous of UnSubs. The Unit-Chief knew that Derek wouldn't manage to profile him, Hotchner had learned to have complete control over his emotions. As he excepted, Derek soon stopped trying.

- I didn't want to run outside this late. I usually have a morning run.

- Do you-

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