Hidden Feelings

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Hiii! Thanks for sticking with me! So this oneshot is about Keefe missing Sophie while he is in the Forbidden Cities. 



 Brown eyes with flecks of gold in them...

Those eyes chased him down, unearthing feelings that that he had hid from everyone...even himself.

Longing, loneliness, heartache...love.

The emotions clawed at him, tangling him deeper into the inescapable web of no end. They tightened their grip on him, restraining him from moving, breathing, doing anything at all until-

Keefe wrenched his eyes open, squinting against the sudden brightness.

"What, huh? Where am I?" Keefe's words were slurred. Then he remembered. He was alone in the forbidden cities, and he would never, not once ever see those beautiful brown eyes again. Tears stung at his eyes, threatening to spill over.

"No" he muttered to himself. He scrubbed the tears away.

"No more of those, you have had enough time to feel sorry for yourself, today you will do something productive." Even as he said those words, he could hear the lie behind them, he never got anything done in the forbidden cities. There was simply nothing to do. Quickly, he ran a hand through his hair, turning it back into his normal artfully styled hair. He chugged a bottle of human water, gagging at the taste. 

"That is one of the most awful things I have ever put in my mouth. I swear, it gets worse every time." He whined to well...no one really. The wave of sadness and longing hit him harder this time, reminding him that even if she forgot him, he could never forget her. He refused to even think her name, knowing that he would crumble from all the feeling he would have with it.             As he sat down by one of the massive windows in his room, he couldn't help but wonder what she was doing right now, maybe she was having a major snugglefest with the baby alicorns right now. His lips tugged into an uncontrollable smile as he pictured it. 

I miss her so much...what if she doesn't miss me? What if she hates me? But she will be better off if she hates me...it will be better for everyone.


(Time Skip)


Keefe woke up exhausted. He hadn't slept well in days, all of his dreams were filled with too much heartbreak and longing. He missed her so much...

A knock came at the door. Keefe jolted up, wondering who it could be. Could it really be her? Could Foster have found him? He excitedly opened the door, his face falling when he saw who it was.

"Oh, hey Zack, hey Emma." He greeted his human friends halfheartedly.

"Wasssup dude?" Replied Zack, pushing past Keefe into the room. I looked at him,  confused. 

"Uhmm, Zack?" Keefe questioned. Zack popped his head up from where he had been lying on Keefe's bed.

"Yeah what?"

"You can't just walk into my room like you own the place. It's rude. And I have only known you for less than a week sooo..."

"Oh sorry, didn't realize" Replied Zack, not sounding sorry at all.

"Well Keefe, my I come in?" Emma's voice was whispery and soft. I roll my eyes.

"Of course Emma, you can come in." We all flop down on my bed. Zack switches on the TV and they watch some weird show for the rest of the day. I try to actually care about what we are watching but, my mind wanders elsewhere. Her eyes keep coming back, haunting me every day, staring at me with the blank stare Foster had when I...

"Alright bye Keefe." An annoying voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look towards Zack and Emma. They are heading out the door, not even glancing back at the mess they made in my room. I grit my teeth, annoyed that they just left without cleaning up their  mess.


Zack and Emma come over to my apartment every day. It's starting to get really annoying. All they seem to do is come to my apartment, watch stupid shows and be lazy, totally trash the place and then, leave. It seems like an endless cycle of that, and every day I get more and more ticked off until, one day I finally had enough.

"Zack, Emma?" I ask.

"Yeah?" They respond in sync.  I take a deep breath before saying the part, knowing that they won't like it.

"You both need to leave."

"Uhm, no." Responded Zack.

"We are your friends, we don't have to leave." Said Zoe, batting her eyes. 

"Yes you do. You are endlessly just showing up here, taking advantage of my wealth and this apartment." I gesture to the room around me.

"It is getting really annoying and rude. You MUST leave." I'm getting a little angry now, my fists clenching and unclenching. Emma comes closer to me, I glare down at her.

"Oh Keefe" she says, staring down at her feet.

"I don't want to leave...I like you." I suck in a sharp breath, my eyes narrowing at this human's cockiness.

"Well, Emma, I don't like you you. In fact, I think I might like life better WITHOUT you."

"Hey! Don't talk to Emma like that!" Zack cuts in. I turn to him. I can feel the command bubbling up in my throat. All the other times I have tried to hold it back, restrain it in any way possible. This time though, I know I should use it, and I know I will.

"LEAVE NOW! NEVER COME BACK!" my voice booms around the room. As soon as the command leaves my lips, Zack and Emma obediently get up and walk out the door. I breathe a sigh of relief when they are gone. Almost instantly though, my knees give out and I sink to the floor. Having those awful friends Zack and Emma made me miss Foster even more. I stare out the windows at the starry sky. 

"I miss you so much Foster, do you miss me?" I whisper.

"We will see each other again, I promise." I check the clock, 10:58 pm. I drag myself onto my bed, falling asleep almost the second my head hit the pillow. As I fall asleep, the promise I just made spins around in my head, following me down into the darkness of sleep.

But little did Keefe know, his promise was about to come true. And it was standing on the other side of his door. 

Keefe slept peacefully for a few minutes until...there was a knock at his door. Keefe lumbered out of bed and over to the door. As he opened the door, he wondered who it could possibly be. But never in a million years would he have imagined who stood in front of him now. Still, his lips curled into his trademark smirk as he asked, 



Mwahahaha! You thought you would get the reunion didn't yo?

Well nope. You can go read Stellarlune chapter 37 if you want that... anyways, thanks for reading! If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments. This oneshot was actually created from  an idea that zoeyreadsalot so, thanks Zoey!


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